Galatians 3:5
Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
I'm not sure about you, but somehow the past weeks when I go to church, even with the 40-day fast period and many participating in this season of fast and prayer (I hope!), the atmosphere and spiritual mood seems very mundane and lull. It simply feels like a muggy, non progressive stage likened to that of stagnation - albeit of people's spiritual life or the overall condition of the church.
I'm not saying that I'm not immune to this spiritual muggy feeling now, especially since I'm so bogged down by tedious amounts of work that is resulting in me leaving office only after 8pm. Somehow it is a very irksome feeling to have especially when I'm trying to break out of it and how that the Saturday service would provide the lively break-through. Nothing really happens to the service though and I'm left to wonder where has the fire gone to?
Until I read a sentence made in the prayer of an anglican pastor which prayed for us to show forth Faith with fire. Apart from this nice quotable quote, it actually made a lot of sense of why many are just suffering from stagnation.
Romans 1:17 records that "THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." Are you living by faith today? Importantly, are you placed in a situation where your faith would not rest on the wisdom and strength of yours, but on the power of God? That's when we allow the fire of God to move us to do what we should do, and not continue to live bogged down by our circumstances and emotions. Put simply, spiritually we need to start moving ahead and not staying static where our soul want to be.
You may be participating in the 40-days fast like me, but that doesn't mean that it is to spiritually charge you up. In fact, you may be just partaking in your own religious rituals without a real connection with God because you could be living a double-standard life. On one hand, you are walking through life, on the other you are trying to juggle christian "duties" like prayer and fasting because it's the season to do it. Ultimately, fellowship with God never seems to be the key thing you are doing and we loose track of the reason why the nation is partaking in this 40-Day fast, it's to refocus back our time and energies back to God.
One classic example to quantify what I'm saying: "There's heaps of never ending dreadful studying/work to be done and all I want to do is chill out or go shopping. Meanwhile, life just goes on and I'm moving unmotivatedly. Meanwhile, better read my 40 Day fast booklet to reflect and make my prayer/fasting moment. After reading, I do hope the days would just past quickly and I look forward to the weekend to escape from it all. I do hope this coming week's church service would be wonderful".
In all of these, where is God in our lives? Relegated to a nice encounter on the weekend worship that is to make us feel good again? Isn't God suppose to take centre-stage and consume our thoughts and waking moments for the entire time and more so as we partake of the prayer and fasting. Never mind the fact that you are partaking to a religious ritual, is this not showing a non-progressive life and sullen earthly mindset? How do we go about to break this because we need to see faith arise with fire.
The bible records that those who are called fathers of faith showed themselves as an example to others around in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. By faith, Abraham when he was tested, willingly offered up his only son, Isaac to God. By faith, Noah built the Ark for 120 years when instructed by God, inspite of 120 years of opposition and ridicule.
If today, you are yearing for something more that this state of mediocrity, you need to break off the shackles of current mindset of looking at your life through your own eyes. Instead, you need to cry out "Holy Spirit, I need new vision of how I was made for a greater purpose to advance the gospel of Christ! Break me from the bad habits and sullen world attitudes that have compromised my life that has been redeemed by the blood of Christ."
May we be people of faith, living lives that demonstrate the fire of God's Holiness in the everyday walk of life.
Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you-unless indeed you fail the test? (2 Corinthians 13:5)
26 July 2007
19 July 2007
The Lord tarrys
John 11:1, 5-6
"Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. . . Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that Lazarus was ill, He stayed two days longer in the place where He was.
I read this passage today through an email and it brought out the bizarre truth of Jesus' action when he heard that Lazarus was sick. The NASB version records that 'He stayed away two days longer.' Jesus stayed away from Mary and Martha and Lazarus . . . longer?
If you hear that someone you love is in trouble, you get over to them fast. I know I would. Yet, three times in the surrounding verses we read how deeply Jesus loved these three friends. So why did He stay away?
From our perspective, the problems are growing, the prayers are rising, we fast and do whatever it takes and faith is arising, but then provision does not come the way we expected. We draw a dotted line from delay to deception and conclude that God doesn't love us and then spend many dark, we fall into disappointment with God's ways and how He seemed to not affirm our best efforts.
Here's an important truth gleaned from this situation: God doesn't love the way we love. What appears unloving may in fact be the greatest kindness of all. We expect God to work our solution on our timetable. Can you imagine the complexity of the tapestry God is weaving in the universe? We're over here in our limited little corner without a clue about what's going on in the bigger picture. Faith says that what God is doing is right-even when we don't understand.
I truely believe that someday we will understand God's will in our lives- even in the worst situations when He doesn't seem to rush towards our side to help us for the most valid reasons. But for now I have to believe in spite of what I see that He is after my good and His glory in every situation. I must trust that what appears unloving may in fact be His greatest kindness. Even if He decides to take a person home instead of healing the sickness.
In-spite of our reasoning of how God is to bless us for all the situations and circumstances that we are painfully going through we need to take hold of this fact with both hands: God is at work in your times of crisis. Whatever is challenging and stretching you right now in your family, your workplace, or in your personal walk with God-He is at work in that. He is building your faith in every circumstance. He knows all about that thing that is breaking your heart. Will you believe He is at work and admit His soverignity in your life?
O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. (Isaiah 25:1)
"Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. . . Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that Lazarus was ill, He stayed two days longer in the place where He was.
I read this passage today through an email and it brought out the bizarre truth of Jesus' action when he heard that Lazarus was sick. The NASB version records that 'He stayed away two days longer.' Jesus stayed away from Mary and Martha and Lazarus . . . longer?
If you hear that someone you love is in trouble, you get over to them fast. I know I would. Yet, three times in the surrounding verses we read how deeply Jesus loved these three friends. So why did He stay away?
From our perspective, the problems are growing, the prayers are rising, we fast and do whatever it takes and faith is arising, but then provision does not come the way we expected. We draw a dotted line from delay to deception and conclude that God doesn't love us and then spend many dark, we fall into disappointment with God's ways and how He seemed to not affirm our best efforts.
Here's an important truth gleaned from this situation: God doesn't love the way we love. What appears unloving may in fact be the greatest kindness of all. We expect God to work our solution on our timetable. Can you imagine the complexity of the tapestry God is weaving in the universe? We're over here in our limited little corner without a clue about what's going on in the bigger picture. Faith says that what God is doing is right-even when we don't understand.
I truely believe that someday we will understand God's will in our lives- even in the worst situations when He doesn't seem to rush towards our side to help us for the most valid reasons. But for now I have to believe in spite of what I see that He is after my good and His glory in every situation. I must trust that what appears unloving may in fact be His greatest kindness. Even if He decides to take a person home instead of healing the sickness.
In-spite of our reasoning of how God is to bless us for all the situations and circumstances that we are painfully going through we need to take hold of this fact with both hands: God is at work in your times of crisis. Whatever is challenging and stretching you right now in your family, your workplace, or in your personal walk with God-He is at work in that. He is building your faith in every circumstance. He knows all about that thing that is breaking your heart. Will you believe He is at work and admit His soverignity in your life?
O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. (Isaiah 25:1)
18 July 2007
The Simple Life
Proverbs 30:8-9
Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.
It's been a long long while. simply because I've been rather overwhelmed at work doing the nitty gritty works that never seem to end and ending work late and exhausted. But only when I finally decided to drag up whatever reserve energy to make this post that I realised how important it is to set aside some time to dwell into the word of God. (in spite of my current enraged mode because I've just had a major session scolding my agency for being such idiots)
On Sunday, we went out for our Architecture merit site visit and we visited a incomplete bunglow house at Jervois Hill. The scorching sun and dull looks of the slim house frontage made everyone initially very bored and demoralised. However, as we ventured into the house and started taking in the size of the space did everyone suddenly start going goo-goo, gaa-gaa.
As we each made our way around the tour of the entire 2+1 storey house with a swimming pool, our mouths were constantly kept opened, and the part that made everyone stunned was the discovery that it even had a lift and space for the owner's computer servers! Didn't help that it was only built for 2 adults and their daughter and every part of the uncompleted house screamed of 'obscene wealth' and a lifestyle of the rich and famous.
On our way out, we walked pass even larger and more luxurious houses and it was a hilarious moment when some of us kept desiring to be maids and drivers of these rich people because the rooms and lifestyle was likely to be better than our tiny houses and even tinier rooms.
But, when we analyse the folks who are enjoying such extravagent lifestyle, we often realise that these are people who don't have God in their lives and often don't see a need for God. Interestingly, Solomon's wise proverbs that says "feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? ". For us who simply love food, the proverbs states a request to be fed with food convenient, or rather simple and uncomplicated. The clear use of convenient food here is to demonstrated that its not about an excessive lifestyle . Incidentally, Solomon himself became so rich that the bible states that he fell away from God and pursued all his other earthly desires.
Placed simply, its not that God doesn't want to prosper us, neither is it his will for us to not live life with the frills. I truely believe that money is never enough and houses can never be luxurious and huge enough for anyone. The grass is always greener somewhere else as long as we choose to compare. There's always something bigger, better, richer and more glamourous to pursue. So, the only way to end this is to be blessed with a simple life of contentment.
Not simple as a kampong house and no frills lifestyle, nor contentment as in static and unmotivated. But one which God would provide us with sufficient frills that the world would see that we are truely blessed and not over-flowing till excess and we find confidence in ourselves rather than God.
May you always be able to answer this litmus question: "Who is the Lord?" and give the answer "He is my Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides me with more than enough."
Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than he who is crooked though he be rich. (Proverbs 28:6)
Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.
It's been a long long while. simply because I've been rather overwhelmed at work doing the nitty gritty works that never seem to end and ending work late and exhausted. But only when I finally decided to drag up whatever reserve energy to make this post that I realised how important it is to set aside some time to dwell into the word of God. (in spite of my current enraged mode because I've just had a major session scolding my agency for being such idiots)
On Sunday, we went out for our Architecture merit site visit and we visited a incomplete bunglow house at Jervois Hill. The scorching sun and dull looks of the slim house frontage made everyone initially very bored and demoralised. However, as we ventured into the house and started taking in the size of the space did everyone suddenly start going goo-goo, gaa-gaa.
As we each made our way around the tour of the entire 2+1 storey house with a swimming pool, our mouths were constantly kept opened, and the part that made everyone stunned was the discovery that it even had a lift and space for the owner's computer servers! Didn't help that it was only built for 2 adults and their daughter and every part of the uncompleted house screamed of 'obscene wealth' and a lifestyle of the rich and famous.
On our way out, we walked pass even larger and more luxurious houses and it was a hilarious moment when some of us kept desiring to be maids and drivers of these rich people because the rooms and lifestyle was likely to be better than our tiny houses and even tinier rooms.
But, when we analyse the folks who are enjoying such extravagent lifestyle, we often realise that these are people who don't have God in their lives and often don't see a need for God. Interestingly, Solomon's wise proverbs that says "feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? ". For us who simply love food, the proverbs states a request to be fed with food convenient, or rather simple and uncomplicated. The clear use of convenient food here is to demonstrated that its not about an excessive lifestyle . Incidentally, Solomon himself became so rich that the bible states that he fell away from God and pursued all his other earthly desires.
Placed simply, its not that God doesn't want to prosper us, neither is it his will for us to not live life with the frills. I truely believe that money is never enough and houses can never be luxurious and huge enough for anyone. The grass is always greener somewhere else as long as we choose to compare. There's always something bigger, better, richer and more glamourous to pursue. So, the only way to end this is to be blessed with a simple life of contentment.
Not simple as a kampong house and no frills lifestyle, nor contentment as in static and unmotivated. But one which God would provide us with sufficient frills that the world would see that we are truely blessed and not over-flowing till excess and we find confidence in ourselves rather than God.
May you always be able to answer this litmus question: "Who is the Lord?" and give the answer "He is my Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides me with more than enough."
Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than he who is crooked though he be rich. (Proverbs 28:6)
09 July 2007
Kept the Faith
2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;
in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Yesterday, 8 July 2007, sometime after 12 noon, my friend Jessica Choo Seh Ching passed away. She leaves behind her hubby, Francis and her son (1+) and daughter (4-5). Apparently, she entered into the hospital some 2 days ago as her cancer condition turned worst, but none of the friends were informed until one of us went down on sunday to her empty house and realised she was hospitalised. I do know that her entire family was at the hospital when she passed away.
It's been very sobering and painful to see her battle with the pain and physical agony of cancer, and even more grieving to know of her passing. The last time I communicated with her was Monday 2 July and she had told me that a team of prayer warriors had fasted and prayed with her and the Holy Spirit had touched her and relieved her of the pain, without the need for morphine. It's at times like this that we all wonder why didn't God do the impossible and heal her, especially since she was positively clinging onto victory against her condition.
I've never seen such great faith and positive nature displayed in such a painful and impossible situation and though I really wished I could see her healed and restored because she examplied the verse Paul wrote of fighting a good fight and keeping the Faith. Yet I will choose to confess that the Lord has better plans for her as He took her home.
One things I'm reminded of even as I witness the passing on of a friend, that I need to keep the faith and protect my salvation because I want to reach Heaven and meet her someday. Until, that day I get to see you in Heaven, thanks for showing me how to keep the faith.
with all my love,
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;
in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Yesterday, 8 July 2007, sometime after 12 noon, my friend Jessica Choo Seh Ching passed away. She leaves behind her hubby, Francis and her son (1+) and daughter (4-5). Apparently, she entered into the hospital some 2 days ago as her cancer condition turned worst, but none of the friends were informed until one of us went down on sunday to her empty house and realised she was hospitalised. I do know that her entire family was at the hospital when she passed away.
It's been very sobering and painful to see her battle with the pain and physical agony of cancer, and even more grieving to know of her passing. The last time I communicated with her was Monday 2 July and she had told me that a team of prayer warriors had fasted and prayed with her and the Holy Spirit had touched her and relieved her of the pain, without the need for morphine. It's at times like this that we all wonder why didn't God do the impossible and heal her, especially since she was positively clinging onto victory against her condition.
I've never seen such great faith and positive nature displayed in such a painful and impossible situation and though I really wished I could see her healed and restored because she examplied the verse Paul wrote of fighting a good fight and keeping the Faith. Yet I will choose to confess that the Lord has better plans for her as He took her home.
One things I'm reminded of even as I witness the passing on of a friend, that I need to keep the faith and protect my salvation because I want to reach Heaven and meet her someday. Until, that day I get to see you in Heaven, thanks for showing me how to keep the faith.
with all my love,