Genesis 17 :13
"A servant who is born in your house or who is bought with your money shall surely be circumcised; thus shall My covenant be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.
Last saturday was one of those rare Saturdays which I was able to attend service because I wasn't needed to help out in Living Springs. During the sermon, Ps Alvin asked this question to everyone, "what would make you happy?".
When questioned, 'money' was one of the immediate answers that was volunteered. I must say that I was rather disgusted with the honest answer and am still rather repulsed by the bluntness by which it revealed the spirit behind it all. I'm not asking for a politically correct answer like good health, but I did wish for a righteous answer that would arise from people who really sought for the right thing. Simply because the mouth only speaks/proclaims what comes from the overflow of the heart, so if the spirit of all was right, the answer would be too.
We will always need money, good grades, companionship, favour and everything that would make this life's existence better. But beyond that, we're only here for a temporal purpose. When I read the above verse, I'm reminded that we are like the slaves of Abraham purchased for a price. The differnnce is we have been purchased by something worth more than money - the blood of Christ. How can any of us in church therefore feel that we are lacking in wealth to make us happier then? If your instinctive answer to happiness is something earthly, may the Lord circumcise your heart and let you know who you belong to.
With a microcosmic and earthly mentality to life, it's really no wonder why so few live victorious lives. If we're only focusing on money and worldly stuff to bring us meaning in life, then I think life is really sad and the life that we are tasked to live as a Child of God is really an underperforming one.
This was my answer to the question: "I wish that all my Rangers live an amazing God fearing life that fulfils the destiny and potential that I glimpsed. That they would grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ until the day they make it through heaven's gate."
May you recognise that just as Abraham's slaves and family were promised God's everlasting covenant, so is your life. But until you decide to seek therefore the kingdom of God, you'll never grasp the concept of how your life is to be full of joy and abundance.
And He said to them, "When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?" They said, "No, nothing." (Luke 22:35)
05 February 2008
04 February 2008
God First
2 Samuel 6:2, 3
"He and all his men set out from Baalah of Judah to bring up from there the ark of God....They set the ark of God on a new cart."
We all know the story of Uzzah who was struck dead when he put forth his hand to the ark of God when the cart stumbled. It is important to note the cause of this sitaution was because David did not do the right thing.
When David sought to move the ark of God, nothing is said of David "seeking the Lord." He did what he did with good intentions and on his own planning. But, the act of moving the ark of God was a very solemn and sacred occasion that must be observed by the explicit directions God had given.
In today's context, we don't have the ark of God to move, however should we also not tread carefully what we do for God and for our lives? If God's blessing is not sought before we start, how can it be rightly expected? If prayer does not precede our best actions, what will they amount to? If, in any of our ways, God does not have "preeminence," we should not be surprised if they lead to disaster.
David's desire was holy, his purpose was pure, his objective to honor God was proper, but he went about it in the ways of man rather than following the precepts of God, and the results were devastating. It is not sufficient to have a worthy purpose and a proper spirit; the work of God and our walk with God must be done in God's prescribed way. Anything other than that is but the expression of self-will.
I am reminded today of the many times which we errorneously live our lives ahead of God. Just like the way we say grace for our meals; "thank you God for the food, bless it in Jesus name, amen".How often do we practice such a prayer in our lives as we plan what we want to do and then throw in a prayer later to ask God to cover or bless our decisions.
May you and I awake to the reality that God is not a backseat driver of our lives, nor does He serve the role of blessing what we pray for. Our heavenly father loves to have us seek Him first ahead of any small or big decisions that we will undertake, however small or unimportant it is.
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:1212 )
"He and all his men set out from Baalah of Judah to bring up from there the ark of God....They set the ark of God on a new cart."
We all know the story of Uzzah who was struck dead when he put forth his hand to the ark of God when the cart stumbled. It is important to note the cause of this sitaution was because David did not do the right thing.
When David sought to move the ark of God, nothing is said of David "seeking the Lord." He did what he did with good intentions and on his own planning. But, the act of moving the ark of God was a very solemn and sacred occasion that must be observed by the explicit directions God had given.
In today's context, we don't have the ark of God to move, however should we also not tread carefully what we do for God and for our lives? If God's blessing is not sought before we start, how can it be rightly expected? If prayer does not precede our best actions, what will they amount to? If, in any of our ways, God does not have "preeminence," we should not be surprised if they lead to disaster.
David's desire was holy, his purpose was pure, his objective to honor God was proper, but he went about it in the ways of man rather than following the precepts of God, and the results were devastating. It is not sufficient to have a worthy purpose and a proper spirit; the work of God and our walk with God must be done in God's prescribed way. Anything other than that is but the expression of self-will.
I am reminded today of the many times which we errorneously live our lives ahead of God. Just like the way we say grace for our meals; "thank you God for the food, bless it in Jesus name, amen".How often do we practice such a prayer in our lives as we plan what we want to do and then throw in a prayer later to ask God to cover or bless our decisions.
May you and I awake to the reality that God is not a backseat driver of our lives, nor does He serve the role of blessing what we pray for. Our heavenly father loves to have us seek Him first ahead of any small or big decisions that we will undertake, however small or unimportant it is.
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:1212 )