27 December 2010

May they be blessed

2 Thessalonians 3:16
"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you."

It has been an emotional Christmas evening as I bid farewell to an outpost of rangers whom I've loved and found a sense of I belonging even though it consumed much of my life on Saturdays. This includes the youth leaders and fellow leaders whom I've worked alongside over the period of time I was in the church.

Parting is never an easy thing when we have invested time and heart into lives and the journey seems short in light of the fact that our life's journey only ends the day we cease to breathe and our spirit goes back to heaven to meet our maker.

I can empathise with Paul how he felt as he left each of the Asia minor churches and left a piece of his heart behind with the individuals whom he nurtured and bonded with.

I know that each individual I've met in the past 3 years in living springs fellowship needs to walk through their own life's journey and learn to stand on their own faith, but still, that feeling of hoping to be with them when they go through the roughest patch of their life is what makes letting go so difficult. 

Yet, I'm not God, and only He can ever be the one who will always walk with our loved ones through their lives. Thus, into the hands of God I list and commit every single one of the folks I know and may the blessing of the above prayer be a hedge around their lives. That they will have the saving grace of God in their lives until the day they meet Him. 

(YongEn, Daniel, Nicholas, Jason Chua, JingWen, Zackarias, Amanda, Crystal Seah, Fion, Jason Zhang, Crystal Teo, Shiyun, Eleanor, Joan, Kaiying, Claudia, KaiFeng, Maverick, Gabriel, Bennett, Ivan, Jerome, Jordan, Joaquin, Norman, KaiZhi, Ah Ping, YueEn, Sandra, Xuan, Tony, Raymund, Louis, Melissa, Xiaoyan & all the leaders & pastors)


"By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence." (2 Peter 1:3)

20 December 2010

All I want for Christmas.

Luke 2: 11
"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord."

Inspired by this Christmas song which I heard on TV this morning, I thought to myself,"what do I really want for this Christmas?" I've already received an iPAD to much excitement and after the initial happiness, it all wanes. So what other material stuff do I really want for Christmas that could possibly out do that? I'm guessing a car or house but do I really think that could transpire? Instead of my wants, maybe I should think of the stuff I need. But then, those are really so boring to receive as gifts.

That's often the issue with a materialistic inclined Christmas. It'll often be followed by a big post-Christmas letdown because we did not get what you had hoped for. Yet, to shamelessly state what we want, doesn't make getting the gift enjoyable. We always want to have someone present us with something we thought no one but ourselves would know.

The first Christmas was an intimate affair by the manger. It was filled with relief because the Joseph and Mary just wanted a sheltered place so their baby could be born. I'm guessing that the surprise visitors of shepherds and wise men made it more interesting for the new parents who really weren't expecting anything or anyone. After all, who did they know having gone up from the town of Nazareth to Bethlehem?

Well, even though I have expensive or thoughtful stuff that I don't mind getting, all I want this Christmas is to enjoy an intimate time of farewell with the youths that I've been with for most Saturdays of the last three years. I don't need any gifts but I just want to spend whatever moment I have in the church to saying my farewell and remind each of them to live their lives well. Christmas exists because God cared so much that He gave his one and only son just to redeem each of them and all I want for Christmas is for them to know that.


15 December 2010

Different perspectives, same direction

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

How interesting that I was introduced to this verse by the same person whom I have a history of email correspondences with and we often end up with multiple email of different perspectives. The last 20 hours involved an exchange of few emails with my youth pastor that really revealed the difference in perspectives and style that we have.

Since young, when we were playmates as our parents served in church, I've always recognised how different we each view things and the style we do things differently. As we grew up, if we were to just spend a moment discussing any point, there's often a difference in the way either of us would consider and react to the matter. She puts her heart into doing things rather than not doing anything, I choose to never do anything unless its clear what and why things must be done. It's really a case of iron sharpening iron and often there would be no conclusion of how each views the matter and the style we do it.

Just as today's long emails went to and fro, what started as my opinion on one matter went into a clumsy comment of my observation and concerns and then seemed to go into an overdrive with me having decreasing interest on subsequent comments. It's quite amazing how the conversation went from dust to storm. I won't agree with every point discussed and necessarily accept how she discusses the matters. What she calls irresponsible talk, I simply label it as a honest opinion that should be critically evaluated because there are the observers and dysfunctional people on the ground have been talking and should never be disregarded. How she states an example of individual, I regard it as a labeling attack that borders as a low blow that I won't ever do. However, likewise, I never expect her to accept what I share and how I raise my considerations based on my perspectives of matters because what she expresses is also correct from her own angles and position. Afterall, in her position whatever I've stated can truly be viewed as extremely errornous and unfair statements without me seeing more than what I presume I know. But it's really not about who is right and who is wrong, but getting thoughts and points across in an exchange without going all personal.

Over time, I've come to realised that in every matter, there are 360' of angles to view it and often there's no one correct statement, style or perspective that can solve a situation. Especially church where every matter involving people can always be drilled down further with many considerations and that would result in never ending discussions or escalated squabbles.  But this is where wisdom kicks in and we need to consider the key fact; that if we are taking a similar direction, then we should never lock horns to make things divisive or destructive. Afterall, it's really not about who is right or wrong, but what we are doing as a body of Christ to move in the same direction for God's glory.

That is the real beauty of church. It comprises humans with different personalities, passions, talents and importantly, are all flawed because we are sinners saved by grace. The church is often fraught with so many issues, no thanks to us humans. So even if we have others of difference in style and opinions, we must eventually arise to a higher level, united in our faith, with a similar direction to recognise the truth of how the Church has a mission to meet human need with ministries of love and compassion.

I do not care about winning arguments and have always believed that I don't serve to please anyone in what I do and will stubbornly hold fast to my convictions and character. Yet, it is exactly at such times where I get moments that sharpen my thought and character. Importantly, I'm reminded that growth comes when we move on back to our service for God after individuals elect to agree to disagree or even pass on in matters that aren't of life and death consequences. After all, who has time to brood or continue endless communications. Talk is cheap and we really have more important things to do.

In church, we may never be aligned or want to work together in close proximity with some people who rub us differently, but does that stop you from going in the same direction?  Hey, even Paul and Barnabas had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company, but continued on their mission. So what will you choose to do?


14 December 2010

What to say even if you're crabby

Psalms 57:5
Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens! May your glory shine over all the earth.

Having just stepped into work, and dreading tomorrow's meeting. That feeling of crabbiness is still there. Perhaps that is also the reason why I'm penning this down instead of trying to do that awful presentation deck.

Still, the verse of the day stares at me and I will choose to practice what I heard about facing trials in joy. Afterall, as I keep telling a particular emotional ER of mine; emotions come and go.  Therefore, even though its the start of a day where I'm recovering from yesterday's implosion and feeling crabby, I will start the day and shall try to end the day with this Psalm.

Times like this,  shall practice this biblical truth of thinking about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy.

Now to stop procrastinating and get back to reality.

13 December 2010

Facing trials in Joy

James 1:2-3
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Today was a real bad monday at work. Didn't help that my body was imploding on itself after a weekend of late nights and my body insist on still waking up early. I still have an awful migraine now.

Yesterday's sermon was unexpected. It started off with me groaning inwards as I realised that the sermon was giong to be preached by a deacon. Somehow, the 'traditionalist' in me just cannot fanthom why the pulpit is increasingly being unused by the pastors. So I started with a cynical, shut-off mode but a few minutes into the sermon, I knew that I needed to change my attitude because somehow the Holy Spirit was prompting me to pay attention.

As the sermon went on and the preacher beared his soul and current struggles with work, it was something I could fully really relate to, especially today where the meeting was such a pain. Being throw into an unreasonable work situation with no respite is a horrible feeling when we spend more time at work than we do elsewhere. Somehow life gets really miserable when we are in a position to go to work and not like it. Not that quitting is an option nowadays because of the need for money.
This is where the key point of the sharing kicked in. God gives rain to the good and the bad. Trials likewise. However when we are faced with trials in our life, we have to consider it pure joy. Gosh, that's like saying "Yeh! Thank God for trials because it is good for me " Yet, its is very clear that trials are the ones that builds out faith in God. 

One statement that stood out was the truth that we must learn to thank God for being in our trials. Often we think it is to thank Him for giving us trials. The truth of the matter is as we navigate through life, we have God  on our side who is there to carry us through. So we need to remind ourselves that trials will not consume our lives and even if they aggrevate us for a long period of time, it will work out for the best in our lives as long as we hang onto God, who is always beside us.  

Now, I just want to smoothly pass through the remainder of this week's meetings without anymore awful events like today.Must remember to smile and face it in Joy


06 December 2010

Significance in God

Exodus 9:16
But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

Last Thursday night, I had dinner with a secondary school friend. I think I've mentioned him before in a post some years ago. He gave up his career to join the BB in Thailand, came back to do his masters in divinity, worked for 2 years in the church (he's Methodist) and am now back in Thailand BB to re-establish the ministry in its Christian outreach in governmental schools.

We actually spent a good 3 hours talking, it only felt like a quick one and half hour chat. As I yakked on and on over what I did and the challenges faced by today's youths. He raised a point that made me sit up and take note.

The fact that we are sinners saved by the grace of God is a significant, big thing. How often we forget this fact and we attempt to given significance to the young by giving them leadership positions, organising activities and finding avenues for them to find their significance in life. Yet, its no different from the world and academic systems that have more avenues of activities that empowers our youths with leadership and skills. Absolute power corrupts, and how do we build significance in the house of God and yet preach about servanthood leadership that is inverse to the way the world views leadership.

As I went back home, I was reminded that the theme for Camporama 2008 was significance in Christ and how ahead of time it was that we were getting our kids and youths to see their lives as a significant individual before God. Today, I must remember to continually challenge myself to present the truth that we are significant for God to choose to save us by grace. Nothing else on earth can ever provide value to our lives nor provide us with greater significance.


"O LORD, what is man, that You take knowledge of him?Or the son of man, that You think of him?" (Psalms 144:3) 

30 November 2010

Taking risk in Ministry

"If you’re not taking any risks in your ministry, then no faith is required to do it. And if your ministry doesn’t require any faith, then you are being unfaithful." - Rick Warren

Three years of adventure is coming to an end. In less than one month, I'll end one phase of my life and move into a new, albeit uncertain new stage of life.

I've learned much, grown in understanding and character and have been deeply blessed by the days that I spent in living springs fellowship. How interesting it is that I entered with a target time of six months to assist, yet it prolonged itself into another six months, then one year and before I know it, three years have been clocked. For every extension that I agreed upon, I did so with a clear divine instruction and found the days ahead to be of a newer purpose and purposefully laid out.

The initial days spent teaching the majority of indoor-based,  introverted teens were daunting and some days exasperating. Didn't help that it was also intertwined with one of my worst phases that I had in my career and my personal life on weekends went into a major transition because I no longer had the regular schedule that I enjoyed before. Change is indeed an awful feeling and I recall the lonely days that I walked home, reasoning with myself if I was going to live such a lonely, pathetic life the rest of my days.  Yet, because I knew I was meant to be there, so every Saturday I went to serve with enthusiasm and a sanguine nature because I wanted to be in faithful obedience. In my worst days, there were individuals called Joseph, YongEn and Amanda who crossed my paths and were a blessing to me because of their energy, eagerness or faithfulness in coming weekly.

As with every season of life, the rough season of work passed and the ministry began to reach the next phase of growth. With more ERs, there were more interpersonal issues. Did not help that I was just a helper who was figuring my way out on how much I could assist and intervene. The wake up call came when Joseph left and stopped attending church. Many months later I got to touch base with him to find him doing well in another church. It was time for me to do what I felt was right, in-spite of the uncertainties of my boundaries in the church.

This last year has been memorable because when it was clearly communicated to me of the need to stop by the end of the year and move on, the feeling of leaving a ministry and lives that I've devoted myself suddenly felt as if I told that I had 1 year left to live.  Even though I was frequently exhausted and stretched thin, I told myself of the need to accelerate my pace and dedicate more time than ever to spend with whoever I could and to do whatever I had. As time ticked, I'm now left with less than a month before the new year starts. Soon, I'll say goodbye to everyone of the ERs that I've grown to love and cherish, in-spite of their annoying quirks and character flaws.

Rick warren is right to say, when we take risks in ministry, faith to trust God for each step is needed. I've spent 3 of my best adult years and it has brought me more meaning that I've had imagined.

What's up in 2011? It's all quite uncertain. I'm approaching the new year with trepidation because once again I'm moving into the unknown and wondering what I'm doing with my soon-to-be free Saturday weekends. I've some inkling of what to do in the latter half of the year, but the first half of the year is a real blur. Knowing that I won't want to enjoy too much aimless time at home on Saturdays, I know I'm placed at this juncture because I know God wants to do something in me and get me to realign my new purpose and life's journey.

For His honour and glory. May it be achieved in me and everything I choose to do.

09 November 2010

You're uniquely positioned

Exodus 31:2-6
“See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts- to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship. Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, to help him. Also I have given skill to all the craftsmen to make everything I have commanded you:”

Over separate conversations with two individuals, it dawned upon me, as I was pushing across the point of positioning, that we are all uniquely positioned by God to do something. 

We’re not blessed with the same gifts or called to the same types of ministries. Often we aspire to do something we see others do because they look good or seem to be in a position of growth. However, what others are doing with ease may be something we end up striving uphill to accomplish because we aren't meant to do.

Wherever God places us as we seek Him, will result in us reaping much good for His kingdom because it is something we’re uniquely positioned/born to do. So, today, what are you doing for His glory?

01 November 2010

We must bring change

1 Peter 4:10
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Benjamin Kwashi, the Nigerian archbishop said “Whenever and wherever the gospel is truly lived, it must bring change in behavior, etiquette and character; it must bring change in health, in the environment, in education and the economy; it must bring progress and development to people and take the lead in community life and conduct for peace and justice.”

Yesterday as I attended one of my R.A’s 21st birthday party, it gave me an opportunity to catch up with another R.A instead of wallowing in meaningless talk with the regular bunch. It was a kairos moment for me because it was a moment to pour out and I enjoyed the heart-to-heart talk. Like a breath of fresh air I was renewed.

Even after so many years of releasing rangers to stand on their own feet, it was good for me to have moments like this to regroup and have the opportunity to reconnect with honesty and openness.

Of late, too many individuals seem to be lackluster. If you do a simple dip-stick survey of the spiritual health of many, you may feel like I do: something stale and of decay is in the air and there aren’t lives that are alive. Does not help that suddenly, I witness many Halloween celebrations over the past week and it triggers alarm bells as I feel the insidious intentions masked behind novelty and fun of a spooky party theme. Yet the church is silent and has not chosen to correct and instill Christ-like values to its young.   

I strongly believe that this is just the start of the rapid decay of Christian lives as the end times accelerates. For all the great accounts of a Christian’s past encounters with God, it’s how we end that matters and many are starting on a downhill spiral. So it is imperative for us to arise and administer God’s grace into lives.

Today, we must take heed to live the gospel and hold higher Christ’s light of hope to all. That through us, we will bring positive change to the many sickly, lackluster and decrepit lives. We need to care more for them than we have ever cared. We need to heighten the alertness of our spirit-man because the battle fought in this new age of the millennial generations warrants an upgrade of our traditional counter-measures to address their compromises.    

We must live the gospel and bring renewed change in the lives of those around us and in our churches today.


"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14)

29 October 2010

Flee! don't turn back

Luke 17:31-33
On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot's wife! Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.

Mount Merapi, located in the island of Java, erupted a few days ago. On 25 October 2010 the Indonesian government raised the alert for Mount Merapi to its highest level and warned villagers in threatened areas to move to safer ground. People living within a 10 kilometres zone were told to evacuate. The following day, the volcano erupted and people who chose to stay behind were killed. Even a 2-month old baby was found dead.

The current eruptions are intermittent and as I watched the news, volunteers were lamenting how difficult it was to get evacuees to stay in the safe area, because many just wanted to go home to tend to their crops and ensure their houses are safe. Many were apparently going back in the day to their homes and return back to the evacuation centre for the night as refuge. I was really stunned that even the evidence of people being killed by the eruptions, did nothing to make people realise the danger and to treasure their lives even more.

When you read up about Merapi, the information states that it is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and apart from the large eruptions centuries apart, small eruptions occur every two to three years. Somehow, the villagers who live in it's shadows have gotten so used to the many small eruptions and frequent tremors that they aren't concerned and even immune to the volcanic alerts.

The villagers who live in the vicinity of Merapi only have their farms and lifestock to make a living. Without them, they have nothing to survive on.  But faced with the possibility of death versus a chance to look after the future, they choose the dangerous route to secure something for their future. How silly it may seem because if they should die as they go back into the danger zone, they don't even have a future!
What about us? Have we gotten immune to the frequent rumbling of the end times such that we live each day worrying about our day-to-day matters? Are we so engrossed in living life or busy securing our future and doing all we can to achieve our life's aspirations that we neglect to heed the warning signs to stay pure, live blamelessly and be dedicated to the cause of God. 

Just as the warning signs of Mount Merapi were given weeks before its eruption, the same warning signs of Christ coming back has been echoed. The end is definite, the only unsure thing we all have in common is the actual day and time. Meanwhile, make a forced effort to  be found ready for the rapture. The chinese have a phrase to describe us when we refuse to face up to the stark reality until it is too late - 不见棺材不落泪. 

Time to pick up steam in our journey of life. Spend more time to move forward to be ready for rapture.  Mentor, impart, pray, exercise any required spiritual discipline required to put the old self at bay. Move on from the things that bog you down and look ahead to eternity as the end goal of all we do in life.


21 October 2010


Proverbs 24:14
Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

Yesterday when I went for my IPPT test, I bumped into a secondary school friend. He recognised me first and as we sat to chat, it dawned upon me that even though we came from the same prestigeous school, the path we took eventually differed resulting in our adult lives paths being so vastly different.

How different? Well, he ended up going to a polytechnic and took on different jobs before his current role of a house-husband! Today, he stays at home to look after his ten month old child, while his wife works to support the family. Gosh!

It is chance meetings like these that provide a really interesting moment to review the past many years and look back at how I was as a kid, student and young adult. Thereafter to see the path taken and evaluate what type of life I'm living now. 

I'm sure many of us didn't plan to be who we are and where we are when we were playful teenagers. Yet, somehow, circumstances and decisions were made to bring us to where we are today. Will we be in a lesser off or better off situation if we had done things differently when we were young? I for one would like to find out, if I had a chance to experience a back to future experience. One can only imagine.

I am glad that the bible presents a future hope to all who make wise decisions. I better remind myself of the need to always stay calm, be less impulsive and choose to be wise.


18 October 2010

Our guide even unto death

Psalms 48:14
God is our God forever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death. 

Having missed one sunday service due to my business trip, attending church yesterday has resulted in me concluding that something's not quite right. A few weeks before, I thought it was just a fleeting feeling due to the fact that my weekends are spent attending two different services from different churches. But as of yesterday, I concluded that the mood in my home church has been really somber and dare I say it, depressing.

No need for me to waste much brains cells to deduce why the change in mood, but this isn't the forum to talk about church issues, so all I can do is trust God to to guide us in how we will evolve. I feel that there's no point talking about it, nor providing more unnecessary actions to help make things better. 

Eventually the dust will settle, just a matter of how many months or years for that to happen. In the meantime, I'm grateful that through it all, God will always be there to guide his church and his people.


"You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my god turns my darkness into light." (Psalms 18:28)

05 October 2010

Humble....stay humble

Proverbs 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

As I went jogging yesterday, it allowed me to think and run through all that I've done for the week and replay past events. One of which was how I needed to guard the words that I speak especially when I'm in my discipleship sessions. As I allowed the Holy Spirit to revisit what I did for the weekend, I honestly admitted the parts that I boasted and didn't focus on God's work or His glory. The uncertainties of tomorrow should be calmed by the reassurance of God's hand in our future, not anchored on stories of my past experiences.

Sometimes, it is inevitable to be carried away and to select interesting aspects to talk about.  So many stories and personal encounters that are to illustrate a point of God's character, often end up to be tainted with personal boasts. Interestingly, I've observe many chinese pastors preaching at the pulpit and they just have so many stories to tell, sometimes, a few of them get so caught up entertaining the congregation that the plot is lost. Not to judge, but I too find myself in such predicaments sometimes as I teach or talk.

How important it is as we serve God in our leadership position to learn to focus on how God will carry us through the days. Not solely rely on our knowledge, competencies and past successes to encourage others.

Humble, stay humble the spirit man in me. May my head also follow suit as I proclaim this to my spirit.


"Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble." (Psalms 28:14)

01 October 2010

He will help you

Psalmes 37:5
Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

There are weeks like this that I live through and as the week comes to an end, I'm amazed at how God has brought me through. It  starts with a horrid feeling on the weekends because of the anticipated new week would bring about major projects or endless business meetings that are full of issues and problems.

This week was a classic example. I was exhausted from 3 days of late nights since last friday, no thanks to church work plus the silly iPad keeping me up. By the time I stepped into Monday, I was physically dead. Tuesday and Wednesday were major meetings with my countries and there was so much uncertainties ahead that preparing for the meeting was mentally draining. 

However, as I trudged on in my best effort, the hours and days passed. Opportunities arouse to end the day early and I pushed myself to get into my jogging routine and managed to sleep well for a night. So, here I am on a friday, ready to get cracking at another weekend of going into the house of God to serve and to worship. It'll be another busy weekend that would drain me more than what my colleagues enjoy on their lazy weekends, but I know I was born with such a purpose and I'll serve with every opportunity I can unless He says otherwise.

I thank God, because in He helps me with everything I do in the workplace and miraculously smooths all the bumpy issues of my work life. Allowing me to be whole, complete and ready to serve Him on weekends. Because of what He does, I can whole-heartedly serve and praise Him.

I'm so looking forward to the weekends now! Praise the Lord.


"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service." (1 timothy 1:12)

23 September 2010

Come when invited

Luke 15:15
Jesus replied: "A certain man was preparing a great banquet and invited many guests. At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, 'Come, for everything is now ready.' 

If you know me, I've a mean rebellious streak. I'm never one for traditions and would question rationale and reasons of why things are being done. I guess the years of attending so many church meetings and having returned with nothing has resulted in me being very closed minded when it comes to attending events I perceive have no value to me.   Everything is really about me, my time and myself. 

Therefore, I'm really grateful for God's willingness to not let me be and spiral into a life of self-destruct. Instead, He works in my life through gracious promptings of His intentions for me, often it goes past my hardened, stubborn shell and I nudge myself to submit.

These 2 nights, church re-organised its annual leaders retreat from an overseas camp format into 2 nightly seminars. I've never felt the need to attend the annual retreat so when the invitation for the 2 night seminars was delivered to me via post, I groaned. It did help that the speaker would be Ps Naomi Dowdy, someone esteemed and is really hard to secure.

Somehow, I knew in me that I needed to let go of all my biased thoughts and feeling to attend, in-spite of the nagging feeling of dread. Even in the time as I walked to church, I struggled with the act of obedience. Times like this, being a matured christian really isn't a good thing as we have too much 'baggage' and aren't as hungry for God as new christians.

As the revelations of God spoke to me through the teaching of the word, each sharp and clear, I knew I was predestined to come. God and me needed that simple, but important session. 

Sadly, many of my fellow commanders weren't there and it convicted me that we who serve actively, often forget to return back to God's presence to feed. That's why, we end up serving the ministry in our own competencies and without new revelations of how to break the challenges facing our lives and ministry. Simply because if we can't be bothered to go back to God for new directions and to be renewed at significant milestones, there is little reason why God will want to give us more tasks and increase the works we do for His kingdom based on our old understanding. 

As you read the parable of the wedding banquet in Luke 14, may you and I learn to be sensitive to obediently RSVP to the invitations sent out by our church leaders and God.

"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Psalm 27:13)

21 September 2010

Much fruit

John 15:5
He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit

The word "abide," means "to stay in a given place, to maintain unbroken fellowship and communion with another."

As earlier posted, the ANTC gave us a lot of time to reflect on John 15 and allow the Lord to minister to us individually. Personally, it was really physically tiring despite the fact I wasn’t a camper, but every day I somehow found the strength and mental alertness.

In the simple honesty of the word of God, I was challenged to bear much fruit. Not bear some fruit, but much. If you love durians like me and have seen a real durian tree in season, you get really excited to see a tree that is bursting with so many huge, spiky durians. I’ve even witnessed many clusters of durians growing in low level branches that are shorter than my height. What a treat it will be for the owner of the tree when all the fruits are ripe and ready to be sold.

It’s a simple promise. Remain in constant fellowship with God and we will bear much fruit. Much fruit! However, the challenge is always to be single minded and faithful to abide in God. Honestly, it isn’t a very challenging thing to remain, but somehow it’s just so easy to be distracted and unfaithful. No thanks to this corruptible sinful nature in us. However, enough with all the pathetic excuses, with God’s help, nothing is impossible.


"How excellent  is thy lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings." (Pslam 36:7)

14 September 2010

God is truly God.

Psalms 91:1-2

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust."

I received this insightful explanation of Psalms 91:1-2 from my email devotion from Ps Greg Laurie. It's so clear about how God is explained that I shall officially quote and lift what he explained (in a lighter shade of colour) and hope you'll revel in the truth to describe God and His great character.

"The words used in Psalm 91:1–2 include ‘Elyôwn, Shaddai, Jehovah, and ’Elōhîm. First, we have "the Most High:" "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High. . . ." The Hebrew word used here for Most High, ‘Elyôwn, speaks of possession. It is the idea of owning something. It simply reminds us that God owns and possesses everything, and that includes you and me.

Then there is the word "Almighty:" "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. . . ." That is the word Shaddai. The thought here is of provision. It is wonderful to know that God owns everything. But it also wonderful to know that He wants to provide for us. Not only is He a living God, but He also is a giving God.

Then we have "the Lord:" "I will say of the Lord. . . ." That phrase "the Lord" is Jehovah, a unique name God called Himself before His own people, the Jews. It speaks of covenant and His promise to them.

Finally, there is "My God:" "My God, in whom I trust." That is the Hebrew word ’Elōhîm, which tells us there is one God who is triune, or three in one: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It also reminds us of the power of God.

So when we put it all together, we see that the all-knowing, all-powerful God who possesses heaven and Earth, who has entered into a special covenant with us, wants to provide for our needs."

Are we blessed to be accepted by such an amazing God? I know I am.
