26 April 2011

Current state - hungry?

Psalm 34:10
The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

I had the chance to talk to a friend yesterday and as we chatted about church, he mentioned that he visited one on Easter Sunday and the message ministered to him as if it was a year's full amount that he had missed out on in his current church. I listened and a part of me understood what he was talking about.

There's a fine balance needed when we sit in church contented or unsatisfied. I'm not fully unsatisfied where I am to suffer a great internal dissonance, but I do wish for greater drive in my church where the word will be empowered with ministry. Whenever we have a lack of excitement for God's word, so many lives seem to be ambling on, myself included.

Its been a while since I've pondered at the state of hunger in me. The constant serving has consumed me to actually think about whether I'm being nourished adequately. I do believe now is an important time to evaluate the condition of my life so I can ensure I lack no good thing in God.  

I long for the day that I come weekly and be overwhelmed by the life changing encounters of God's word that it blows my mind again and again. I imagine it to be as when I'm preparing myself for my annual hot spring resort holiday in Japan where I expect a relaxing holiday. However, I end up having a more than amazing holiday stay because everything that I experienced was beyond my expectations and resulted in me returning in a glowing state. 

There must be more.

25 April 2011

A generous dose of grace

John 1:16
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 

I had the wonderful privilege of celebrating my 35th birthday in Japan last year as a work assignment was given to me. This year, it was a belated opportunity to head to Taipei for work the day after my 36th birthday. Such is the privilege of God's goodness in my life.

It may not seem to be much of a big deal, but just to be out of town to experience a short and light business trip amidst the cool spring weather is really one of life's great blessings that I enjoy. Most business trips are heavy duty and exhausting, but this was had a light agenda that made me wonder why I was needed to be there. But, when I have a 5-star hotel to stay in with a great breakfast to indulge, I count my blessings.

Our life is often littered with instances like this where we should reflect at how God gives more than enough. Even in the midst of the office restructuring turbulence, its pleasant to be given such breaks so there is less mental duress.   

God is good.

18 April 2011

Older, not grumpier (I hope)

2 Chronicles 1:10
"Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?

With every birthday that comes by, I'm one step closer to the grave. Ok, it's morbid to say that, but as I look ahead, I do realise that getting older isn't a big deal apart from the body system going awry and leading to eventual passing on.

As I look back at the years and wonder what is up ahead, I do wonder if there are changes in me for the better. Some part of the fiery passion has fizzled as I encountered disappointments of life. The enthusiasm for driving home a firm message to some has also diminished as I gain a perspective that people must learn to make their own choices - even if it means making bad mistakes in life.

Age does seem to bring along a mellowed perspective for mentoring. If not for Timothy whom I have a clear directive to mentor in this phase of my life, I would have probably done nothing much and would have left all others above 21 years old to make their own choices without lifting a finger.

I, therefore, am grateful for a 19 year old life that I'm tasked to look after intensely, because through the responsibility needed to fulfill the task, a part of me has awakened that resharpened the being in me. It's really so easy to become just another old, cynical and grumpy adult as I witness the young adults make foolish choices. Yet, it takes the spirit of God to awaken the old man in me to do more and continue in the journey of life to impart and impact.

Happy birthday to me today. As I age another year, may I be given the wisdom and knowledge to do the job of my life excellently.


12 April 2011


Proverbs 10:8
The wise in heart accept commands, but a chattering fool comes to ruin. 

One of the pain of working is the constant interaction with people who behave like idiots and get in our way or make work process painful. But life without annoying idiots at work will result in absolute harmony and no time to complain about them.

Out of grief because someone annoyed me with his idiocy, I searched the bible for the word "idiot" and found none. But the equivalent "fool" was easily found. That's when this verse was found.

Good reminder to listen to advice, be prudent at work and complain less. Lest, with too much whining in the office at others results in myself being the chattering fool. After all, it often is the all-talk-no-work or the complain-king that annoys everyone. 


07 April 2011

The Lord has been good to you (me)

Psalm 116:7
Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.

Because of a friend's contact, I had a meet-up with a headhunter today. Nothing interesting, but I could afford the time during my lunch break. The meeting was rather dull and the prospective role being pitched didn't make me sit up in much interest, much less jump in excitement. 

Then I came back to the office and my colleagues started sharing with me the latest rumors about the possible restructuring and how only 3 will survive. Weirdly, that never seems to unnerve me. Instead here I am telling colleagues what farewell present I wish to get, should the axe falls and I'm affected.

Of course, that is just a silly thought when there are more pressing things to worry about when one loses a job. But hey! that's the beauty of life when you don't over commit and have no debts or liabilities to worry about. 

More important than that, it's always important to remind ourselves that there's no storms in life to fret over because in every circumstances, the Lord has always been good. I hope you too will know that- should you be facing a trying circumstance.


01 April 2011

God's time and what He decrees

Genesis 21:1-2
Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him.

I did an incredibly stupid thing today that makes me want to hit myself in the head. Arrrgh!!
My office is undergoing a massive restructuring and my role will be diminished. During such corporate upheavals, everyone is seeking out options because they don't want the rug to be pulled under them and find themselves jobless or in a crappy role.

Being very me, I did not bother to do anything until an ex-colleague who transferred to another business sector told me he can help me if I want to explore anything in his sector. Then, a dutch colleague told me on the same day of the available role in that sector and strongly encouraged me to look out for my own career. There was so much advice given from both parties that I was overwhelmed by what they said about me being the right person for the role and I really appreciated their attempts to help me.

So, I spent a considerable amount of time last night doing up a customised solid CV that would make the application for the role effortless. I went through it again and again and when I finished it and emailed it to myself, I felt so good.

Today, I sent it out and was quite pleased with myself for doing something. Felt great that my life had such a clear open door being done for me to explore an opportunity. That is until I got back my CV in the email as a CC recipient because it was sent to the big boss. Horrors of horrors, I realised that I attached an old CV! This would not be able to play up my strengths and only made me look like the wrong candidate to be considered! Gosh, I'm so annoyed at myself for the blunder because I'm a very thorough individual and this was really going to blow any opportunities I had. Added to that was the sheer waste of time last night!! (Grrrhhhh!)

So, now I'm sitting here growling at myself in annoyance. No one to blame but myself. But one thing I do firmly recognise now is this: If the opportunity arises for me to be shortlisted and I do get the role, it's really not because of any credit of mine. I submitted a crappy application that any ordinary person would have written me off. Only if this is God's plan for me will I see it come to pass.

I guess, it's similar to how God will fulfill Abraham's wishes for a son. Only in His time and at His sovereign bidding would things be done. So it shall be for my career.
