08 June 2011

The blessing of the Lord

Proverbs 10:22
The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it.

I'm on garden leave! Furthermore, 2 months of paid leave!

Have always envied colleagues who joined competitors and got to leave immediately and enjoy paid leave to do anything they wanted. More so when I always had dreams of getting time off from work so I can make travel plans.

The main conundrum of life has always been the issue of time and money. But now, I have both and its such a blessing. The entire journey has been called a 'one-hit wonder' by my colleague because often one has to go for multiple interviews with different companies in order to clinch a job. Yet, without much painful toil, I attended a few interviews, was overly frank and without trying very hard, was offered my new job.

I'm simplifying but the reality, one door was open and another was slowly closing on me and with minimal struggles, I now enjoy the position I am. 

God is good.


01 June 2011

In times of limbo

Psalms 31:14
"But I trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God."

The annoying part of being in my current organisation is the slothful speed which management changes are made. Everything is crawling and people are just not doing anything, yet business is expected to continue.
Doesn't help that my boss has gone on two weeks of leave, clearly in a heck care attitude for his subordinates, because his next role in the organisation has been panned out for him. That really made my blood boil because I'm one of the fools trapped in no-man's land.

Yet, in such precise times of limbo and ongoing frustrations with certain individuals who are crossing my path, there is such a verse that causes me to resonate with conviction. Everything and anything terrible can happen, "but"I still can trust the Lord. He alone is always the only person we can place our trust upon.
