06 December 2011

God's consolation

Psalms 94:18
When anxiety was great within me,  your consolation brought me joy. 

I learned the truth of this verse yesterday. 

Given the nice evening weather, I elected to go for my quiet-time jog instead of doing it on my regular tuesday because who knows if it'll pour with rain tomorrow! With the MP3 plugged on, it is only then that I allowed my thoughts to be free as I sought a time of audience with God. 

It has been a while since I've been ministered in worship, and each lap around the stadium was a ministry by songs that brought out the worries, struggles and honest feelings that had been bottled up for the past days. The more I shared, the more I felt overwhelmed by life.

However, in the last 2 laps, just when I was so intimidated by the anxiety and hopelessness of life, the MP3 changed track. Hearing the song declaring the glorious nature of God suddenly brought a renewed hope. It was the Holy spirit reminding me that in the woes of life, when all seems lost, God is still a glorious God of Victory. That consolation brought out a new joy in the midst of my worries and for once in a long while, I slept rather well.