25 June 2012

Treasure in clay jars

2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Inside this frail, unstable, emotional, ever decaying, ever sinful body is a treasure which is worth more than any treasure.

For in me and you lies the precious gift of salvation that has been freely given and not something that we had deserved. When we die, someday, all the pleasures and treasures that we encountered and collected will be worth nothing. Yet, at that moment, all we'll hold on dearly is the treasure of eternal life that lies if we hold faithful to our calling in Jesus Christ.

We may be disappointed by people, devastated by situations, stressed by life. But it's all temporal. The devil would love if we abandon all hope in God so we can walk away from the treasure of eternal salvation.

If we always view life from the grave, perhaps we'll wise up to how to see how much our days are worth.
