1 Peter 2:9
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s
special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called
you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
Today, I really pondered long and hard why we are such a battered and defeated bunch of people. Not just ordinary people, but born again Christians.
As I survey, I can't help but recognise that many whom I know are struggling about their lives. Sadly, I don't see a clear affirmation from the church to constantly build into the lives of its sheep because I think we who are called to be eagles get affected emotionally or situationally. This results in us forgetting our God-inspired purpose, and causes us to roll in the mud of sin, depression and debase behaviour akin to pigs in mud or the common disease carrying pigeons.
If is said that when you understand your value in Christ, you will never allow yourself to be abused again by yourself or by any attacks from others.
Live a life worth living, a victorious life because we are chosen by God and are meant to be of God. Arise like eagles!