27 February 2013

In loving memory of Oh Hui Xuan

Genesis 2:1
Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

As I woke up this morning in Shanghai, I received a message informing me of the passing of a 11 year old AR girl.

It breaks my heart to know that she is no longer with us. She had battled with brain cancer and throughout the illness, she had endured through it all and even occasionally attended  Rangers and even came for a day in Camporama 2012. 

As I sullenly contemplate the shocking news of her passing, I am mindful that she's now with Jesus and yet, how sad the family must be to have her go before them.

I'm grateful to have known and taught this chatty, intelligent girl who always had something to share and talk about.  Even in her illness, she would be her usual self and able to put across her voice and opinions to all.

Goodbye Hui Xuan, I shall keep precious memories of you because it must also bear witness to me to live life well. Someday, we'll meet up in heaven and all the tears of today will be forgotten. 