06 May 2013

I have no life

Job 22:2
Can a man be of benefit to God? Can even a wise person benefit him?

Over the weekend, I wanted to head out to Isetan to review the luggage that was available for sale. However I wasn't to because by the time I got out of my morning lazing moment, when the clock struck noon it was another typical weekend which was packed with meetings and serving in the ministeries. It was already a feat to have been able to squeeze in the chance to trade-in my old digital camera for a new model.

On sunday, before I headed off to church, I realised that I didn't have time to shop for the luggage as it would be a packed back-to-back program. True enough, by the time my last meeting ended, it was 9:15pm and time to eat a late dinner.

Truth be told, I sometimes tell myself that I seem to have no life on the weekend. While the average joe is busy doing weekend stuff to relax from the work days, I'm actually busy working or sometimes I tell myself working to be busy.

I'm not sure if I would have bought the luggage if I had the chance, because I would have like to upgrade the old luggage of 18 years. I would sometime just want to have tons of time time to aimlessly do stuff, but I know myself, and too much personal time would have made me do nothing. I am a task oriented character who sometimes feel that I do stuff to exist and be important.

The beauty of introspective days, and to chance up the scripture like the above, is to set in place the importance of ourselves. We are of no benefit to God and woe to us if we dare think that we are the ones who are of absolute importance to be the ones to do the deeds of God.

I may think I have little life on a weekend, but I must remember that God is above all of my sense of importance and the time of my being.