Psalms 27:13
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
As this verse stares at me in the desktop calendar of my office, the word "still confident" pops out at me. Something about it speaks to me because it reaches into the past weeks of my inner recesses of my being.
Everything I view gets clouded and more challenging when I review how things are in the natural. Problems are always compounded, issues never seem to be resolved and nothing ever seems hopeful when we look at the details that always point to a losing battle and a sucky life.
But today, I'm reminded that my perspectives in the past weeks have been rather clouded by what I feel. The confidence I should have must always be there because God is always in control. I cannot just say confidence is always with me, but I need to re-instruct myself again and again to see God above my perspectives. Only then can I be still confident to see the goodness of the Lord.