22 August 2011

Give God glory

Psalms 50:15
Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”

I learned from reading Max Lucado that all our pain have a purpose. Our problems, struggles, heartaches, and hassles cooperate toward one end—the glory of God.

Times when we wrongly feel like a pawn in his hands, we must turn our eyes to remember the value He places on one soul. We are not pawns that God abuses. Nothing comes into our lives without His approval and God will use whatever he wants to let us know that He is there with us for all of life's journey. Through it all, we will also see His glory and in return, give Him glory.

Nothing is ever made to crush us and defeat us, because as children of the living God, our very breathe exalts His glory.