30 January 2012

Bread of Life.

1 Samuel 21:4
But the priest answered David, “I don’t have any ordinary bread on hand; however, there is some consecrated bread here .

Yesterday the message from the pulpit stated, the church, the house of God is where you find bread for sustenance and a sword for your battles. If you read the chapter before and 21 itself, you'll understand that David was on the run from Saul and Ahimelek the priest placed  grace before the law and gave David the fugitive the food that he requested. Eventually, David also took the sword of Goliath because he needed a weapon to defend himself  

I cannot but agree with the statement that I enter the house of God weekly just to find bread and a sword for my life. I'm there yearning for more than just some nice to hear stories, I'm there to find food for the weakened body and would also love to be given weapons of battles so I can fight through my battles. At least, I feel safer with a weapon (the word of God) with me so I don't feel naked and defenseless.

I would love for the pulpit to sometimes cut the crap and not push across generic messages, draggy semons that don't hit the nail on the head or even what I sometimes feel to be a corporate agenda similiar to what the government is doing. I believe there is more that can be offered, sharpened weapons that individuals will willingly take up and to also offer sustaining bread that feeds the famished souls of the weary. I don't doubt that there are many different individuals with different needs, but I'm also sure that by pandering to the generic masses, you also satisfy no one.
