22 January 2012

Precious even though we stray

Mark 16: 7
But go, tell his disciples and Peter, "He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you." 

The bible records in the book of Mark that as Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices to anoint Jesus’ body, they encountered angels who gave them this instructions.

It's really significant when you note that the Angels had said, 'his disciples' and 'Peter'. Why? because Peter had betrayed Jesus despite his insistence and in guilt and grief had fled away from the entire cruxifixion of Jesus. I can only imagine the guilt and horrible feeling that Peter had because of what he done and if you read this sentence, you'll know that Peter had also dis-associated himself as a disciple of Jesus. In modern days, it's equivilant to denouncing his faith.

This is where we witness the preciousness of each of us to God. Regardless of what sin we commit and how we step away from God because we feel unworthy, God's always ready to show more acceptance. The risen Christ  wanted the news to not only go to the disciples who were cowering in fear, but also  to Peter who had left the fellowship.

You and I can never understand how there is always love and grace from God to woo back anyone who walks away from Christ. We only see sin, and in guilt, elect to walk away because our shame or emotions lead us to behave as such. 

However, the truth of life is this; As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God's ways higher than our ways and His thoughts greater than our thoughts. We're sinful, we're unworthy, and it blows my mind that God still considers us precious. Just as Peter after his betrayal of Christ, Jesus always seeks to inform us that He's always ahead of us and ever wanting us back. Such is the amazing grace of God and His agape love.

I stand amazed.