Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Even as I sit at my dining table waiting for my instant noodle to cook (takes minutes to boil a laksa la mian, not a 2 sec pour hot water cup noodle) , I've literally waiting for someone to call me so I can eventually go for an interview and possibly secure the job that God will grant me.
In the past hours, I've gone through a short talk with God because there was a particular job that my friend had sent me, but I'm not keen to pursue. It's quite funny to state to God, "can you give me something better, as this really isn't what I want. So, i'm not applying for it ok, because I know you surely know me better to give me what I thrive in - just I hope it's fast coz the salary stops by mid this month"
I don't know if you know this, but we human are generally very dense. (ok, maybe not you if you don't feel so. At least I know it applies to me) Given the incredible sight of the universe and what we witness of God's hand of creation, we can still fail to grasp the fact that God is above all our fears.It's so easy to waver in fear, to feel afraid that our lives are not living according to expectations, we're unpaid, we're losing out. Yet, nothing can be further from the truth because the same God who calmed the storm in 1 breadth, raised the dead, stopped the sun and moon from moving, is in absolute control of the plans of our life.
As I make great efforts to reflect on the bigness of God, it always gives me strength because I remember that God's way is complex and yet, the best for His children. Time, man's ideas, the world has nothing that stands in His way.
For the time that we wait, seeming in vain, it's because God does not want us to proceed on. His thoughts are for us and therefore, He'll continue to release the grace and strength needed for us to release our doubts to Him and yes, the day will come when we see the God given solution.