05 September 2011

Careful attention

Proverbs 27:23-24
Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.  

The older I get, the more I learn that it takes so much more that what I already know and do to look after those under me.
Just when I think I can comfortably release a youth into adulthood, I realise that I do not know how to strike a balance between letting one be fully independent or to keep constant hand-hold supervision. I struggle with trying to being there to instruct and dictate versus not doing anything and letting consequences take their course.

It's very typical of me to not let go. I'm one who drive myself to having things fully in control. Doesn't help that I'm unwilling to see mistakes be repeated in the lives of those under me and can come across to be controlling. I guess, being unmarried and with lesser commitments helps too in how I'm willing to devote my time in the same way a workaholic single person is at the corporate world.

In the last couple of years, I thought I was learning how to relax the way that I oversee the RAs. I called it "remote supervision" as I thought it was about a journey of life that each would take and that each will always make a right decision. Yet, with every stumble and fall that I witness, I reeled in shock and pain when I found out about it - often too late, since I'm not very well informed in a timely sense. Yet, I know I'm not God and can never prevent bad things from happening to all those I once lead. Even God respects the will and choices of mankind- even if they are horrid ones.

I wished I knew of this verse when I first stepped out and decided on my "remote supervision" modus operadi. An empire never lasts forever and I should never have relaxed till I assumed too much. 
God arm me with devotion, strength and wisdom that I will always pay careful attention to those I'm called to influence and lead all the days of my life.
