Judges 2:10
After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.
A leader pointed out this to me; The difference between Moses and Joshua is Joshua did not mentor someone and leave behind a legacy of a disciple with right values and standards to lead the next generation onwards with God.
From Exodus to Deuteronomy, we read of many accounts of how Moses walked with Joshua closely behind him. Indeed, bold as Moses was, every Moses needs a Joshua. Especially during the moments of battles where the arms are weary and discouragement abounds. To have a protege support the arms or stand out to defend the cause of God would make a significant difference to any leader who is pushing ahead to do things for God.
Joshua was an amazing man of God. There's no doubt about this fact and the many powerful miracles and victories he had. He possessed great compelling faith and was talented in his leadership as we witness the battles fought and his drive to get the people to claim what God had promised them. Even in his last words to the people, he kept the people focused on God and challenged them to faithfully serving Him.
But we all know that our hearts are not as steadfast as we like it to be. I know because one moment I'm on a powerful high having accomplished much, but when the next season of my life comes, my emotions can get the better of me. Promises and determination often wane, more so as living a life that is easily distracted by wants and needs, it all takes it toll on us. That is why, it takes more than death to make a difference in many of us. The only thing that drives us strong in our conviction is the values which we learn and choose to have it take root in us.
The generation following Joshua’s generation grew up and the bible states that they neither knew the Lord, nor knew what God had done for Israel. The result was the Israelites did evil in the eyes of God and served Baals! In just one generation people had turned away from God.
Where was Joshua’s successor, just like Moses had Joshua to mentor and succeed him? I'm sure Joshua spend a lot of time with the people since he was warring all the time. However, as a leader, it wasn't just about going after a goal and getting the full promises of God upon the land. What good is that if there isn't the next generation who will be personally influenced to know God fully.
Our life will come and go. I look around and know some people will have more people mourn them and lament about how they are missed because they were nice people or they had done much great stuff. But what good is that legacy left behind where people remember us for what we did and how godly we were and it end there? Without developing and empowering those that would come after us to have deep rooted values and relationship with God, years after our passing, no one can guarantee those left behind will follow God.
We need to find people to intentionally encourage, equip, develop and empower. Mentoring takes a lot of time, effort and sacrifice. What we must do in our life must affect the next generation and they to the next generation. The legacy we leave behind must be of strong individuals who will stand firm when the storms of life hit, they must be amazing conquerors who will advance the kingdom of God and importantly, they must also leave their own legacy of godly individuals whom they have imparted all they had.