19 September 2011

The ordained days ahead

Psalms 139:16
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book  before one of them came to be.

Where will you be in 5 to 10 years time? 

Its time to take stock of your present position and recognise that if the next 5 years of our life can be a whole lot greater than we imagine if we recognise the gravity of not ramping up what we are doing today.

Firstly we need to assess where we are and have a moment to be honest to come face-to-face with God. Everything starts when we dare to stand before God and take stock of our current life. Even if you are heading nowhere or just going downhill, you aren't in a resigned position that is past the point of no return. 

Don’t let your weaknesses be an excuse to stay on where you are. God's calling on our life isn't only on the move when we are in a perfect condition. We will never get to perfection, so stop procrastinating or beating yourself. In the brokenness and soiled state we are in, as we willingly submit to God and the people he leads us under, we will find grace as we stand before God.   

The bible says all the days before us are ordained and we are destined to move with God in greatness. However we can always choose to do nothing and go round and round in circle. To avoid this from happening we need to frankly ask God to reinstil in us the vision and purpose for our lives. I'm not talking about secular plans and dreams, but the plans of God which are centered on us achieving greatness for His kingdom.  

As we spend time to fuel up by God, I'm sure that there are lives which we need to touch, personal sacrifices that need to be made, changes we need to made in our lives, but all that we will choose to do will accomplish more than we can ever dream of when it is powered by the Holy Spirit.

Focus! Focus! Focus! Let God inspire us to move ahead of ourselves.