04 October 2011

Bad Company

1 Corinthians 15: 33
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

I stopped in my tracks (in the rain!) when I heard this on my podcast today. Really? I never knew this simple truth existed in the bible.

So I searched it out and there it is! Simple common statement which says it all and I never saw it and I'm amazed to find it in its point blank simplicity.

In my life, I've taken much pains to distance myself from childhood friends and peers who are a lot of fun simply because some chose to live alternative lifestyles or simply enjoy secular enjoyments that I condone. Fun and exciting as they are as companions, I've learned to protect myself and withdraw, even to the extent of cutting friendship ties.

Strong as I think I am, I'm not. No one is. For this is a fact of life and something clearly documented in the bible; bad company corrupts good character. 
