Habakkuk 2:1
I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
I was just speaking to myself as I walked to work; I really need to get into a place of solace and then a flood of wild thoughts and options of pulling out of life struck me. However, before I went astray with the negative options, how timely it is to be able to read about the need to withdraw like Habakkuk because it reminds me of the correct action to take.
What the Prophet Habakkuk says, is his way of saying; ‘I'm going to get alone with God.’ This is a priority that is above serving. In order to fulfill God’s vision for our lives and ministries, we must continually hear from God. We must believe that hearing from God daily is a requirement for us to live first before we can be poured out to help any others. It is not just an add-on to our list of things to do; it is a necessity for being a loving and effective person. For how to we give out of what we do not possess.
This is why all the airlines safety videos often state, when the oxygen masks drop, help yourself before you help the children/others around you. As life's situation squeezes all the juice out of myself, the drained core inside needs to withdraw to find its maker so I can refocus from me to God.
Learn to go to a place to tarry before God. It may look like your are eat up precious time, but the wait is immeasurably worth it because you will last much longer than if you relied on yourself.