10 October 2011

Hold fast

Deuteronomy 13:4
It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.

Life sometimes feels like this to me; I'm a swimmer kept afloat by the life vest around my neck and as I'm tossed about by the waves. I'm unable and yet somehow unwilling to die. So I do what I only can and continue to hang onto the life vest and hope for the waves to calm and for respite to arrive.

In all the must do's of the verse above, what strikes me most is the needs to hold fast to God. Everything else is of obedience and servanthood. However, as we swing back and forth with life's challenges and our emotions sometimes taking precedence over our discipline, if we learn how to hold fast to God, it'll see us through the crest and trough of every wave that buffets us.

As I state this in words, may my heart, mind and soul also absorb it and follow what my head has expressed.
