28 December 2012

Come to God.

Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

The year is coming to an end. Actually on 21 Dec, the world was suppose to come to an end too! No thanks to the naysayers who chose to interpret the Mayan prophecies wrongly and proclaim doom to all.

It has been a really tough journey even as Christmas came because here I am back at work with tons of stuff to clear, but the mood of wet, cool weather is simply not helping me to be productive.

I am looking forward to closing this year on a note where I can find some rest. Too much has happened, and too many emotional scars have been created in the year as I struggle to come to an understanding with what is happening.

Fortunately, God always remains faithful and be the source of life. Rest is all I need and I shall spend some time to seek for the God of my rest.

Richard C. Woodsome says it well: "You can never change the past. But by the grace of God, you can win the future. So remember those things which will help you forward, but forget those things which will only hold you back."

As I cautiously tread towards 2013, I cannot help but want to stretch out my tiny hands to God's and have him hold me as I journey onwards.



15 December 2012

Faithfulness of God

Deuteronomy 32:4
He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.

The 7th Singapore Camporama 2012 is over and soon the year will be too. Before I can settle down to breathe, I'm now planning for the 20th anniversary of Faith RR and as many of us start to compile pictures of the past years, I cannot but feel priviledge to still be in the outpost as one of the pioneering leaders who has been there since its inception.

It is a very special feeling to have to look back at the many years of joy, sacrifice, mistakes, heartbreaks and still look at my own two feet and acknowledged that I'm still standing and serving after all these years. It is only because of the faithfulness of God and His hand in my life that I've gone through so much in 2012 and also in my 19 years in Faith RR.

As I reflect, through the years, I've made much mistakes, lost many lives and have suffered many heart wrenching pain, many of which I still feel deeply. Today, I stand like a wounded warrior with battle scars and wounds of my years of service. I wished it was all joy and happiness, but life is never like such. I must confess, that through the most painful of losses, I've often stood aimless and contemplated if it was worth the pain and if I should just cut my losses and give up. 

But my life is not mine to define. I've learned about this many years ago and it has resonated through the tough days when I desperately wished the pain to disappear. 

Perhaps it is such that I can always acknowledge that God is faithful. His mercies have pulled me through, His blessings and encouragement have keep me moving one slow step at a time at the worst of my days, and have allowed me to leap in joy when all was right.

I've many mental pictures of the past days in 2012 and even more of the past 19 years as a Ranger commander. Many of which are joyful, but some of which evoke a sense of pain I look at the faces of those who are no longer with God. In spite of the inperfect situation, something inside of me knows that the God of my creation will continue to be there for them and there's always a hope for them to return.

As I forge ahead, I'm grateful for contemplative moments where I can take stock of the losses and pray through the faithfulness of God. God and God alone will always turn the downside up and I must prevail in my own limited faithfulness. Someday, surely, I'll live to see the Lord's salvation.   

To those whom I no longer have along with me, may you always know that my heart has never forgotten you.

08 November 2012


Psalms 89:48
Who can live and not see death, or who can escape the power of the grave?

This is a year of deaths and heartbreak, even as it is a year of rewarding ministry.

Today, I received bleak news that Comdr Andj's condition is deteriorating and his brain tumor is bleeding. They would either operate to extend his life by possibly 6 more months, or manage his condition and see him life through another 2 weeks before his system fails.

It is such a heartbreaking news to hear of this that I'm really very down and breaking inside. In this year of much labour, I know of 4 individuals whom I personally in contact with and they suffer from some form of cancer. The prognosis have often been bleak and already 1 has departed and now another is told to be struggling for his life.

Much as I receive the note to not lose heart because the family has already prepared for the worst, it is really painful to see a person demise within a defined time frame.

I know the journey past death is painless and joyous, so there's no need to lament. But such is the reality of life because we find it so difficult to let go of our loved ones and be with God.

I can only take comfort in the truth that the power of the grave does not apply to faithful Christians as the departure from this mortal body will only bring about a release to God's presence in heaven.

I hope you too will live your days well, so the journey of your life after you have taken your last breath will see you in heaven with God. Live faithfully because many do not have the benefit of time that you possess.


02 November 2012

God's special possession

1 Peter 2:9
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

Today, I really pondered long and hard why we are such a battered and defeated bunch of people. Not just ordinary people, but born again Christians.

As I survey, I can't help but recognise that many whom I know are struggling about their lives. Sadly, I don't see a clear affirmation from the church to constantly build into the lives of its sheep because I think we who are called to be eagles get affected emotionally or situationally. This results in us forgetting our God-inspired purpose, and causes us to roll in the mud of sin, depression and debase behaviour akin to pigs in mud or the common disease carrying pigeons. 

If is said that when you understand your value in Christ, you will never allow yourself to be abused again by yourself or by any attacks from others.

Live a life worth living, a victorious life because we are chosen by God and are meant to be of God. Arise like eagles!


25 October 2012

Straying away

Psalm 119:176
I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.

As I returned from lunch, I saw a friend who is the elder brother of a church mate. The entire family has been in the church from their grandparent's time and he's much older than me. I'm not a friend of his and just an acquaintance.

Today, he no longer attends the church and as I walked past him amidst the crowded walkway with his cigarette smoke wafting past me, I couldn't help but think of the other friends and peers who have gone astray. Some of which are still a raw wound in my heart as I remember them.

The more years you add to your life, it seems the more you will hear or know of others who you once had close to you in church, now straying away and it does strike a sore point to know that what was once personal with God is now abandoned.

In the end of end times, I always believe that many will stray, but God will also never give up in seeking them back because I know His heart is for all to know the saving grace of Jesus and to live the purposeful life they were created for.



11 October 2012

Faithfully, until no more.

Genesis 5:24
Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.

As I logged into facebook, the alert showed that today is the birthday of a young man who has passed on and is now in heaven.  It is the day of his 25th birthday and as I clicked onto his page, I couldn't help but feel a sense of heart-brokenness that he only lived a short life and never was allowed to continue the journey of life.

Yet, I also take heart that he left at the apex of his life, living a good and right life which makes his short life a blessing. Today, he's in heaven and I couldn't ask for anything more because the Lord knows the best time to take someone home.

Yesterday as I sat in a void deck teaching a 17 year old tuition for his coming "O" levels, I bumped into a few church members and our conversation revolved around how 21 years after my "O" levels, I'm still giving tuition for subjects which I can barely remember and some which I never took. In a sms conversation later to a mentoree, I was asked how I could still remember the stuff to be able to effectively tutor. My reply was simple; I either relearn and try my best so I can avail myself to help the failing youth understand what he can or I live own self-centred life and close a blind eye to let him fail life on his own.

We can only do so much in life, but it is in-built in me to do as much as I can to help whoever comes before me. I did wish last night, that the mid 20's would take over what I do so I don't have to labour just as hard as I did 10 years ago. In fact, I would confess that the labouring is harder now than it is in the past and as I tutored in a mentally exhausted mode, I really wished many whom I've taught would have learnt to pour out time and effort to assist the generation below them and now just walk only with their eyes facing forward and forgetting to glance behind at those behind them. The fact of life is, we will be required to walk faithfully in all the days of our lives and despite what many may declare, the days we are given are meant to be a blessing to the needy, the poor, destitute and not for our own selfish pleasures.

I do look forward to going to Heaven, in fact as soon as I can. Call it escapism because it is. I would no longer need to labour so hard, and can just revel in a perfect place. But until that fateful day happens, I would always be mindful to live faithfully and be what I can to all I have until I am no more. I hope you will too. 


09 October 2012

When a soul is saved

Psalms 68:20
Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death.

Saturday, I rushed back to take over the program and in the midst of it all, 2 leaders had to leave the program because of the passing of a family member.

Left in the lurch and rather unprepared to teach the entire lesson, I taught out of what I knew as I raced to read the bible study and merit. Everything went well and the kids were their usual chatty, noisy selves.

What struck me next as we were going to play games was when a 11 year old approached me to say that he is ready to accept the Lord. That left me stunned as you do not regularly hear of this, more so when it is a community kid who approaches you and ready to want to be saved.

More stunned, than excited, I clarified with him if he knew what he was requesting and got him to repeat with me a simple sinner's prayer. In the midst of the crowded room, we prayed and there and then, he was saved.

As we planned for RR in 2012, and did everything knowing it was to reach, teach and keep. It was never in our mind to intentionally ask the kids if they wanted to be saved. Yet, for a child to hungrily desire to be saved is really an exciting evidence of God at work.

I'm still rather stunned at the incident, but I'm really grateful that God always reaches out to save those, even when we aren't working hard to do a better job for Him. May you and I who are older know how precious our salvation is. Treasure it and live a faithful life.

God be praised.

17 September 2012

Cheater never prospers

Joshua 7:21
When I saw in the plunder a beautiful robe from Babylonia, two hundred shekels of silver and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them. They are hidden in the ground inside my tent, with the silver underneath.”

One of the codes of the royal ranger states; A royal ranger is honest. He does not lie, cheat or steal.

Honesty is one of the most undervalued moral value expected. Yet, is also the most essential pillar for leadership. How many nations are corrupt because the top brass is dishonest and profits from ill gotten gains, leading to many sub-ordinates and followers extorting bribes and illegal kickbacks. 

Yesterday, I was very upset because I found out that a leader had dishonestly requested for 1 more item to be kept as spare, despite the instructions to only request according to the numbers of people who were entitled. Even though the act was corrected and individual talked to, I slept with an upset spirit.

I get really mad when one does not behave honestly and elects to cheat the system, especially when the system is the church and individuals are educated and from above average background. Deuteronomy 25:15 says, "You must have accurate and honest weights and measures, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you."

How can we ever expect God to be for us if we seek out petty gains and cheat to benefit?  

09 September 2012

Willing heart

Matthew 9:31
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
This has been an exhausting weekend. But it is also quite typical to have such a full day where it is jam-packed with ministry responsiblities, and having deep conversations with others. The net effect is a puffy-eyed, tired body individual who is typing this in one of the 2 last meetings for the Sunday. 

Days like this, I can elect to just say "no" and to rest. Afterall, it is a sabbath day.

Stories can be told about mission needs in far flung lands, the poor, spiritually hungry and opportunities. Yet, for most of us the mission field begins right here where we live and to all who live in the community next door. 

Because of this, I know in my heart that serving sacrificially in another church on Saturday is something worth to do. Someone once said, “I didn’t think I could do it. But I found out I could. It’s not as hard as you think. You just have to have a willing heart.” 

The are many needs, people to help. God can do more in you and me if I am willing.  Are your hands open to God?

24 August 2012

God's fight

Exodus 14:14
The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Kids@Play, our first ever evangelistic carnival is over. Organised as a non-denominational Singapore-wide activity for the churches of Singapore, it was a humongous task because everything was uncertain but the vision to do it.

When we have no budgets, no idea of how many churches would participate, concerns about crowd control, uncertainties about everything and anything under the sun, it made sleep very unrestful. 

How does one go ahead to live life as normal as possible when you have no idea how to put things together, who to call for help and what would be the best thing to do? 

As the Lord delivered the hebrew slaves out of Egypt, He too brought us through. Churches who came together, many did amazing carnival games of high standards. Others rallied and provided manpower and logistics assistance that made the carnival event lively and full of vibrant life.

What a feeling it is to be able to stand and witness on the actual day the deliverance of God. The dream given was actually fulfilled by the dream sender-God.

For such a time, I walked around the carnival grounds silently acknowledging God@work while kids were@play. Because the fight is always the Lord's, the battle is victorious and importantly, the praises belongs to Him.

God be praised forever and ever.

13 August 2012

Providing for family

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

I was just having a lunch conversation with an ex-colleague today and we happened to talk about the issue of her relatives not providing for their aged parents and it infuriated her that they were not being responsible adults.

Consider the amplified bible's explanation of this verse. "If anyone fails to provide for his relatives, and especially for those of his own family, he has disowned the faith [by failing to accompany it with fruits] and is worse than an unbeliever [who performs his obligation in these matters]."

Providing for the family is akin to the fruits that are accompanied with your faith.


08 August 2012

Blessings to God

1 Chronicles 29:11
Yours, LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.

There are day where tons of things hit you and your mind can go round and round, and yet the liberation comes when you focus on God. Not just think about how big or strong He is, but simply just profess the greatness of God and allow your spirit to be consumed by the simple act of proclaiming all the blessings back to God.

As I return from my business trip, it has been exhausting and coming back to reality is no fun. I slept at 5am and woke up zapped and groggy and headed back into work to do my stuff and worried about solving issues regarding the upcoming RR event. 

Tons of stuff uncompleted, yet when the online radio played this song which proclaimed blessing to God, it made something in me still and calm. I know there and then that there is such a freedom when we offer a blessing to God. In spite of and regardless of, nothing really matters when we put it all aside to proclaim the truth that God is worthy of all blessings.

Someday, heaven will be like that. Tons of fellowship and happy moments will stop just because we'll find it so much more a pleasure to worship and give blessings to God who will inhibit amongst us.

My God reigns forever and over everything.


31 July 2012

I'm not faithful, fortunately God is

2 Timothy 2:13
If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.

Much as tried to make it a daily routine to read and pray through the 40 day prayer and fasting booklet, I simply can't seem to keep to it on a 100% basis.

Today as I showered, it dawned upon me that I did not read nor pray through yesterday's portion. Even worst, I also did not do likewise for Sunday's as I only browsed through it as I told myself that I'll spend a bit more time reviewing the article when I was back.

Somehow, somewhere along the "I hope to do it", it was all abandoned. Frankly, you see me spending more time reading newspapers or playing Plant Vs Zombies on my iPad more faithfully than I do on the 40 days booklet.

Being faithful is really something hard to be. Sadly, I'll never be 100% faithful to any cause because I am human. But the fact is God is always faithful and even though I can never pursue the cause of mine with continuous prayers, I revel in the fact that God never slows down and give up.

Thank you God and I'll continually strive harder for you.

26 July 2012

Same Same

Romans 12:3
For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Dr. Lamar Vest preached at times square church when I visited the church in NYC some 2 weeks ago. I was really zapped that day because we had slept late, having spent the entire day roaming about NYC and heading back to the hotel, we spent much time packing the bags and getting ready for check-out.

It is a terrible thing to always go to the house of God tired and sleepy, more so when you are overseas and attending a church you are not familiar with.

I don't remember 50% of the message, but the one thing that he had shared about which struck me was the need for us to recognised that we are all saved by grace. Not just a simple truth that we often read and take lightly, but we, who are sinners unworthy of saving grace, were redeemed by a Holy God.

Don't be deluded by pride that we who serve actively are holier than those who sit about idly. Even if you can preach better than me, it doesn't make you any better than me in the eyes of God. Even if you are more talented with skills that could astound anyone, does not make you any better in the eyes of God. For by grace, we stand before God the same. Covered by the same blood of Christ, covered by the same love and showered by the same amount of grace. 

For that reason, we stand before God, neither better or worst compared to the person beside us in church because nothing that we do can elevate us to be superior to another.  

For by grace we have been saved and we serve out of our own heart, not looking to the person on the left or right in judgement or comparison.


25 June 2012

Treasure in clay jars

2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.

Inside this frail, unstable, emotional, ever decaying, ever sinful body is a treasure which is worth more than any treasure.

For in me and you lies the precious gift of salvation that has been freely given and not something that we had deserved. When we die, someday, all the pleasures and treasures that we encountered and collected will be worth nothing. Yet, at that moment, all we'll hold on dearly is the treasure of eternal life that lies if we hold faithful to our calling in Jesus Christ.

We may be disappointed by people, devastated by situations, stressed by life. But it's all temporal. The devil would love if we abandon all hope in God so we can walk away from the treasure of eternal salvation.

If we always view life from the grave, perhaps we'll wise up to how to see how much our days are worth.


21 June 2012


Isaiah 44:6
“This is what the LORD says- Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.

Search out a dictionary on the definition of redeemer and you inevitably get the explanation "Christianity: Jesus Christ".

 Today it hit me as I was on the bus to work and pondering over something. Christ is my redeemer. In every miserable situation, any tragic piece of news that is heard, He has allowed me to overcome and be set-free.

How easy it is to forget that in life, there's only one redeemer for us. ONE! If the dictionary could be allowed to quote the source of the definition, this verse above should be it.

Apart from God, there is no other. Our God reigns.

08 June 2012

Think, don't feel

Philippians 4:8-9
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me-put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

As I sat in the B747 with no personal entertainment, I thought to myself that the 2.5 hours flight heading back would be a nightmare because all I had was a small overhead TV above to entertain me. Worst still, it wasn't going to be showing a movie, but a live concert event of Adele in the Royal Albert hall. After a while of being overly bored, I finally decided to plug in my headphones to hear what the show was all about and boy was it a moment for me to be ministered.

Many years ago, a friend told me how God had used a TV show that he was watching speak to him and as he spent his quiet time after TV, the events of what he saw became analogies of lessons that God used to talk to him.

So what did Adele sing that hit a nerve in me? "Chasing pavements". That to me was one of the dumbest titles for a song, and I was just wondering what on earth could inspire someone to write something as mundane as chasing a pavement. But when the song lyrics  "should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere" repeated itself, I realised that I had a choice in life but I was refusing to acknowledge it.

Somewhere in the depths of me, I'm prepare to give up doing what I have been doing all my life because when your heart breaks, your faith falters, and life seems to be plagued with problems, you feel overwhelmed as if you are just pointlessly chasing pavements that lead nowhere or have no purpose.

When our emotions get the better of us, and we navigate through life via what we feel, everything about what we see and do is unstable. But faith is not about what we feel, it is about how we focus on the surety of God's truth. This is not positive thinking, neither is it some mind-over-matter new age theory. Faith is when we allow our mind to hang on to the things of God and whatever limited encounters/promises we had with the holy spirit.

If, I allow my feelings to rule my life, I'll throw in the towel, walk away from who I've invested in to-date and elect to abandon my life's calling. But, if I think about what God has promised me, and the call of His for me to respond to, I'll never give up because He will never either.

Along the journey home, God ended the encounter with me with a final Adele song despite its secular nature. Ignore Adele's inspiration or who this is written for. For all it's worth to me, God used the lyrics of the song to remind me of His love, a love that made Him send His one and only son for me and you.
When the rain Is blowing in your face
And the whole world Is on your case
I could offer you A warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows 
And the stars appear
And there is no - one there To dry your tears
I could hold you For a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you
Haven't made Your mind up yet
But I would never Do you wrong
I've known it From the moment That we met 
No doubt in my mind Where you belong

I'd go hungry,
I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling Down the avenue
Know there's nothing That I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging
On the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change Are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing Like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends Of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love, To make you feel my love

Thank you God. 

04 June 2012

The day of truth

1 Corinthians 13:13-15
their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved - even though only as one escaping through the flames. 

Someday we will all stand before God and be judged for the work that we profess that we have done for Him. This happens after the great white throne judgement where believers will have their works tested in the fire of God.

The test of the quality of our service for God is going to be judged with absolute standards. What others think of the work that we do for God could well be revealed to be deemed unworthy if it was done with our own selfish, wrong motives. 

As I read the above verses, it is a good reminder to tell myself that I cannot be found standing on that day with nothing to show. Even if I have works to show, in this life I need to be mindful that whatever I do should be worthy unto God.

For now, I'm not ready for the works of my hand to be tested, but I'll make haste to correct that. What about you?


29 May 2012

Don't give up hope

1Kings 19:5 
while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”

I've often questioned myself why things are the way they and it's so easy to agree with Elijah's response because we just want control over life, our ministry, our dreams. Our emotions take the better of us and life gets bleak because we lose our vision and forfeit the goals. All we just want to do is give up because all hope is lost.

In a recent post by Ps Rick Warren, he says "Don’t you dare give up. Don’t give up on your family, on your church, on your dream or on your life." 

He goes to encourage that we are responsible for proclaiming the truth and leading people the best we can – but not the responses of others. We are only responsible for our own response. We’re responsible to teach God’s truth but not what they do with it.

Just don't allow "you" to become the issue in your own mind!  God is the issue.  Christ is the gospel.  We have received this ministry as we received grace. It is not merited and it is not ours.  It is a stewardship lent to us, but belonging to our Master.

May we learn to stay on course in God and find restoration in the Lord, whom I serve.

15 May 2012

He calms storms

Luke 8:25
In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”

In the messyness of life, I often forget  the greatness of God. A God who even has the winds and the waves obeying his commands.

Only when you look at God in this perspective does the challenges of life seem inconsequential. As I am ministered by the exclamation of the disciples, I remind myself that God is not someone I really know. The God I pray to is someone whom I know too little of and beyond my comprehension. However, everything of creation stops at His command and because of this, He's bigger than my imagination.

God be praised.

07 May 2012

God's will for us

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 

These verses were given to me by a kid's parent who dropped me a text after seeing me while picking up her kids from RR. It is very heartening to be encouraged when others see you and are concerned for you.

Rejoice, pray and give thanks. Not just do them, but to do them continuously.

I've only spotted the key word that this is "God's will" and that made me sit up. To recognise that the will of God is not for us to be swamped or overwhelmed. In Christ Jesus, God's will for us is to be glad in Him, to commune in prayer with Him and to give thanks to Him.

Tall order, but something that gets my mind off in a new direction. A better direction, at least.


30 April 2012

Sufficient grace

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. ” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 

This was the verse given to me in a birthday card by my mentoree. It means much, and yet it is so difficult to acknowledge in the season of life. If only my mentoree knew how I struggle with the acceptance of this verses in the season of my life.

To find God's grace sufficient as I go through the weakness that life brings is something everyone wants. But, to face the fact that I'm weak and to accept God's grace to be sufficient is always such a challenge. Sufficient is just enough, all that is needed. However in weakness of body, mind and strength, I don't need just enough of God's grace to pull me through. I want more than sufficient, I want overflowing so I no longer feel weak.

I worry alot more and the white hairs on my head and seemingly permanently eyebags are showing.  I worry because apart from the two Christophers that I never have to worry about, my other RAs aren't heading anywhere and there's nothing I can do. Then, there are the ones who are hurting and I cannot do anything nor talk to them about it and a part of me hurts in great pain because I cannot do anything to help. Doesn't help that even the adults that I interact with are all going through trying times and all I hear is painful bad news that I cannot do anything to help.  I wished I knew how to numb pain when you see others doing badly, so I don't have to live with a troubled spirit and forge on in whatever I can.

I know that the verse given to me for definately to fill that need in me. Sufficient grace from God. Oh that I will delight in it gladly as the apostle Paul did.  God, still I will say to my innerman- You reign.


18 April 2012

Today, my day.

Genesis 24:42
When I came to the spring today, I said, ‘LORD, God of my master Abraham, if you will, please grant success to the journey on which I have come.

Happy birthday to me. No grandiose celebration, no need for a song and dance, but just a simple day. A few text from individuals who actually remembered, a long meeting that stretched through the day, a sincere gift from a colleague who treasures me, a chocolate cake that I asked my secretary to order and importantly, I'll get to go home and have my jog with headphones on so I can spend time with God.

It's quite anti-social of my but I specially blocked off the day so I don't have to force a smile or have to go through much fun-fare with others that could possibly make me fatter and even more tired. Even if it meant telling the family that I don't wanna go out for a special dinner, that makes for even more awkward night since we don't really bond socially well together - haha...

All I really need is a special moment with God because I too would like to say the words that Abraham's servant said. That I would be granted success to the journey on which I have come and for once in a long while, to have my birthday wish granted. 


27 March 2012

God's ways

Isaiah 30:21
Whether I turn to the right or to the left, my ears will hear a voice behind me, saying, “This is the way; walk in it”

This is all I need from God as a sign of a living a blessed life. That God would always direct the paths I am to take because when when God manages the circumstances that I take, it is always the best.

It does not mean that he will direct me to the smoothest or the most pleasant incidents. Some probably are to teach me to trust Him, some for me to jump for joy, some for me to work out my faith or salvation. I know there are many different courses to take and reasons for me to take, but when the course I take are directed by a voice behind me, I will fear no evil for He is with me and His rod and staff they comfort me.



24 March 2012


John 13:3-5
Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

Jesus knows the disciples whose feet he is washing. All who will leave him the moment they are persecuted, one will even betray him. Yet, he continues to serve them humbly and inspire them to understand his heartbeat.

There are days where it is really hard to served when I know that some of the youths of today will turn away from God. After years of serving, I've often looked back to count how many are no longer with me and it's more than I could have expected. Each life who is distanced away from God is a painful scar of my heart. Yet, such is life; everyone chooses his own destiny and elect to do what he/she wants or feels.

Servanthood is not giving up the cause even when we know that amongst those we serve, some/many will turn away. Nothing done for God is ever in vain. May the faithfulness of my hands someday earn me the reward of prodigal lives who will return.  



08 February 2012

Consider trials pure joy

James 1: 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 

I'm not sadistic. But when I heard this song as I walked to work, it quoted this verse from James and it hit me like a brick. Lately, there has been quite a fair bit of difficulties faced by many that I know. I'm sure it's not just me being sensitive, but the Christian journey has been quite a tempest for many since last year and it seems to have no let up as we progress in this new year.

I'm hearing of more challenges encountered by individuals, more unsettling news, more changes that are causing discontent. Individuals are starting to leave church, more are discontented with what they had or just annoyed. While I struggle with what lies before me, I often tell myself that this is indeed signs of the trials expected in the end times. Yet, I worry that these trials end up causing more to give up their faith and choose to live self-centered ways. 

Sure I know that many trials will make us strong. After we are done with the testing phase or even the difficult trials, what doesn't kill us, often makes us stronger. 

However terrible things may be, I deeply pray that the test of faith in many around me, will bare much fruit. Simply because trials are meant for us to throw down the gauntlet and go back to the fact that we live and act only for God. May everyone learn to consider our hardship joy because it is intended to make us more like Jesus, and also to rely more on Him and not on ourselves.

30 January 2012

Bread of Life.

1 Samuel 21:4
But the priest answered David, “I don’t have any ordinary bread on hand; however, there is some consecrated bread here .

Yesterday the message from the pulpit stated, the church, the house of God is where you find bread for sustenance and a sword for your battles. If you read the chapter before and 21 itself, you'll understand that David was on the run from Saul and Ahimelek the priest placed  grace before the law and gave David the fugitive the food that he requested. Eventually, David also took the sword of Goliath because he needed a weapon to defend himself  

I cannot but agree with the statement that I enter the house of God weekly just to find bread and a sword for my life. I'm there yearning for more than just some nice to hear stories, I'm there to find food for the weakened body and would also love to be given weapons of battles so I can fight through my battles. At least, I feel safer with a weapon (the word of God) with me so I don't feel naked and defenseless.

I would love for the pulpit to sometimes cut the crap and not push across generic messages, draggy semons that don't hit the nail on the head or even what I sometimes feel to be a corporate agenda similiar to what the government is doing. I believe there is more that can be offered, sharpened weapons that individuals will willingly take up and to also offer sustaining bread that feeds the famished souls of the weary. I don't doubt that there are many different individuals with different needs, but I'm also sure that by pandering to the generic masses, you also satisfy no one.


25 January 2012

Do what we have to do.

2 Timothy 2:23-24
“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”

I had a shock when I learned of a leader's decision to leave church and step down from his ministry. Apparently, due to frustrations with church, he decided to move onto another. However, during lunch as I was discussing with a Christian colleague, she mentioned that often people who leave church for another, due to disagreements, would end up bringing the unresolved issues.
I read that the Bible talks more about unity of the church than it does about either heaven or hell. Apparently, it’s that important because despite the fact that churches have tremendous potential, many never achieve what God desires because the members spend all their time fighting with one another. All of the energy is focused inward.

In these end times, Satan will do everything he can to cause division and the fact of the matter is we can squabble and disagree about any and everything. But, we must learn to be more than a frustrated opinionated church goer. I rather we be busy doing work for God, such that even if we are annoyed over matters, the tasks before our hands compels us to put our self-centered opinions aside and elect to continue to do what we have to do.


22 January 2012

Precious even though we stray

Mark 16: 7
But go, tell his disciples and Peter, "He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you." 

The bible records in the book of Mark that as Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices to anoint Jesus’ body, they encountered angels who gave them this instructions.

It's really significant when you note that the Angels had said, 'his disciples' and 'Peter'. Why? because Peter had betrayed Jesus despite his insistence and in guilt and grief had fled away from the entire cruxifixion of Jesus. I can only imagine the guilt and horrible feeling that Peter had because of what he done and if you read this sentence, you'll know that Peter had also dis-associated himself as a disciple of Jesus. In modern days, it's equivilant to denouncing his faith.

This is where we witness the preciousness of each of us to God. Regardless of what sin we commit and how we step away from God because we feel unworthy, God's always ready to show more acceptance. The risen Christ  wanted the news to not only go to the disciples who were cowering in fear, but also  to Peter who had left the fellowship.

You and I can never understand how there is always love and grace from God to woo back anyone who walks away from Christ. We only see sin, and in guilt, elect to walk away because our shame or emotions lead us to behave as such. 

However, the truth of life is this; As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God's ways higher than our ways and His thoughts greater than our thoughts. We're sinful, we're unworthy, and it blows my mind that God still considers us precious. Just as Peter after his betrayal of Christ, Jesus always seeks to inform us that He's always ahead of us and ever wanting us back. Such is the amazing grace of God and His agape love.

I stand amazed.

17 January 2012

The right time

Genesis 8:12
He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.

Here I am in Shanghai on my first business trip. It's China, a country that I don't really want to ever visit because I'm not a fan of the people. But I do appreciate this trip because I need to accomplish some key work stuff and can't just do it via my desk and a phone call. 

On a shallow note, I really needed this trip because my miles to maintain the frequent flyer status of, miserable, silver is due by the end of Feb. How dreadful to actually have it expire after flying to Europe thrice just to get it. 

God's timing is always right and how He works to fulfil my petty requests is always amazing. I needed about 4750 miles, this trip to Shanghai gives me all but 21 miles. However, because of the hotel stay which is part of the airline partner, I will be able to add in the hotel stay and eventually clock the required miles to maintain the card! Everything I need and just a few more spare miles.

How often  do we see God providing just enuff and a bit more in our life and situation. To add to that, He also replies at the very right time and not after the clock strikes 12. Noah's story is precisely representative of this fact. At the right time, the flood will strike, and also end. At God's time, not ours.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

10 January 2012

The will of God

The will of God will never take you,
Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
Where the arms of God cannot support you
Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
Where the power of God cannot endow you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the Spirit of God cannot work through you,
Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
Where the army of God cannot protect you,
Where the hands of God cannot mold you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the love of God cannot enfold you,
Where the mercies of God cannot sustain you,
Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears,
Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

The will of God will never take you,
Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you,
Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

Everything happens for a purpose.
We may not see the wisdom of it all now,
but trust and believe in the Lord that everything is for the best. (Amen)

02 January 2012

The new is here.

2 Corinthians 5:17
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

A new year beckons.

This year was the first year I spent in my adult years sleeping through the new year. I just needed some time off from the standard year end countdown in church, and spent some time jogging while sorting out my evaluation for the year and thoughts for the year ahead.
The year of 2011 has been amazing in terms of fulfilling personal secular needs, however in was a disaster in all things spiritual.

It's just a calendar change, but it is a new chance to retart everything with God's grace and strength. It will be a really tough year, but I'm hanging on to the simple statement that in Christ, the new is here.
