30 December 2006


Matthew 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

I've been tormented many times this year. Never in my entire 7+ years since graduation have I attended so many rounds of interview for prospective jobs just to face rejections after rejections.

I've also been blessed many times this year. Never in my life have I had the joy to travel to so many countries to experience a spectrum of holidays, missions and work.

As we started the year of 2006, this song was adopted as our key Psalm:
Into your hands I commit again, with all I am for You Lord.
You hold my world in the palm of Your hands and I am Yours Forever
Jesus, I believe in You
Jesus, I belong to You
You’re the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
With all I am.
I walk with You wherever You will go
Through tears and joy I’ll trust in You
And I will live in all of Your ways
And Your promises forever

Today, as I end off the last working day of 2006 and reflect upon the entire year, I'm co-incidentally also ending it by attend an interview (How totally bizarre~). Regardless of how that interview goes, I'm grateful to have the chance to walk this year's journey of sky-high ups and abysmal downs.

Like the song lyrics which says "I walk with You wherever You will go. Through tears and joy I’ll trust in You". I felt this living reality throughout my life this year. This year has been momentous to me and I cannot but be astounded at how amazing God has been for me and the things which I held dear. Even the multiple job rejections cannot overwhelm the goodness which I experienced.

I'm sure the depressing matters and personal failures which I went through in 2006 could have been removed and the year would have been a year of tremendous highs. However, I'm also inclined to believe that, like Jacob, I need to have a permanent handicap limp in order for me to rely on God in all the things that I do.

In 2006, I cannot but be grateful to God for everything under the sun, both good and bad which I've experienced. For all the wretched seasons which made me mourn, I'm blessed that there were seasons after that which comforted me and made me smile. Truly, in God's divine sovereignty, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.

It has been a GREAT year and I give all the glory to God. I pray you will too.

"Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain."(Proverbs 30:8-9)

28 December 2006

Post Christmas

Matthew 2:11
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.

After all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, its really nice to be able to rest - financially and physically. Christmas is always such an exciting festive month, and I truely love Christmas. It's a time to love and be loved. But it's also a tremendously exhausting time as we get excited by the commercialisation of gift buying and endless church activities and joyous social gatherings.

This week as the dust from the flurry of activities settles down from the Christmas long weekend and as I plug in my latest headphones at work, a sense of calmness surrounds me as I listen to my daily dose of christian music. Only then do I calm down and feel that this was what my heart desired - the peace and serenity which was present at the first Christmas.

On that night, the birth of our saviour was a low key event with no parties, no merry making, only the unglamourous serenity of manger which saw visitors such as the Shepherds and the wisemen. Wisemen who came to the lowly, miserable manger and fell in worship at the sight of baby Jesus, simply because it was their hearts mission to seek out the Saviour.

David writes in Psalms 27:4 : "One thing I ask of the LORD,this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple."

After all the merriment of fellowship and joyous celebrations, may you take heed to seek out the Saviour's presence alone. Then would you be able to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and your soul would acquire rest and strength for the new year.


When the centurion, who was standing right in front of Him, saw the way He breathed His last, he said, "Truly this man was the Son of God!" (Mark 15:39)

17 December 2006

Hear! (with your Ears)

Matthew 11:15 / Matthew 13:9 / Matthew 13:43
"He who has ears, let him hear."

The books of Matthew & Luke records Jesus making this consistent statement for a total of three times.

The first mention of this statement was when Jesus proclaimed to the crowd that John the Baptist was indeed the man who had been prophesised by the Old Testament Prophets and the law. The second and third mention was made as Jesus warned the people through the parable of the sower to the people and when He challenged his disciples with the parable of the weeds.

I first heard of this statement at the age of 16 as I was studying for my bible knowledge lesson. It then became a a nice quotable piece to use whenever equally stubborn teenage friends refused to listen. Secondly, it also became an official reason to say "I told you so", when something did happen later because no one heeded instructions. But today, some 15 years later, I am starting to understand the tone of the statement and see the reality of this statement.

Like the people and disciple which Jesus spoke to, we are as deaf and lazy ear-ed as them. I cannot emphasise how frustratingly deaf many (or all) of us are. Even though we have physical ears that can pick up sounds, sadly, it is as Prophet Isaiah says "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding".

The simple evidence of this is through our lives as we often don't translate the important principles of God. Effective hearing or listening comes so rarely in some of our lives that our ears are incredibly unproductive tools, underutilised for its purpose. I speak even for myself when I review the 49 weeks which have passed in this year and realised that there have been somethings which I heard but have been extremely deaf to listen and followed obediently.

To the youths:
Can you consider your past 49 weeks of school, family and church life and recall what you heard and what you did? Similiar to the proclamations, warnings and challenges told by Jesus in his 3 different context, were there not Godly proclamations, warnings and challenges which were instructed upon your lives?

To the adults:
Can you similarly consider your life in the past 49 weeks and measure where your spiritual condition is today? Have there not been Godly proclamations, warnings and challenges which were spoken to your lives but you simple did not heed? Are you still going somewhere with God?

In this festive Christmasy weeks of rushing about to get gifts for all our loved ones and enjoy ourselves in celebration gatherings, we must not let Christmas go past in vain.

I always feel that many of us live superficial lives during the December period. Often we focus on the love, fun and fellowship during Christmas and then turn sombre as watchnight approaches and we start realising the failures and ineffectiveness of our lives through personal evaluation & conviction.

I truely love Christmas. It's my favourite season of the year because its a time where I take the time to plan and then buy presents to those whom I hold dear. But its also the time which I take stock to evaluate the lives of each individual's life and its impact on mine. The most enduring moments is the time which I write my Christmas card blessings for each present. Then I can testify that the individual has indeed witnessed a move of God in his/her life and has experienced Godly encounters which has moulded and groom him/her for the better.

But before we celebrate Christmas and go overboard with cheerful festive spirit that masks our actual conditions, can we stop to ask ourselves if our lives are indeed going in God's direction or if we are going nowhere. Have you chosen to not hear the Saviour's instructions for your life and simply gone through this year without experiencing a breakthrough. It may not be a powerful uplifting high that we are talking about. Perhaps, you were instructed to get yourself right, to perservere in what you are doing, to die to self and yet stay rooted in faithfulness, to sacrifice your time for a cause, to stay energised because you were to achieve great things through greater challenges...etc.

Hear and hear well! Christmas is not a time of joyous celebrations only. In fact, the first Christmas was spent in a quiet manger as Shepards and Magi quietly beheld the salvation of mankind and saw hope for their lives. What about you?

Don't get mired up in running about, wrapping presents and doing social stuff because you want to avoid coming face to face with God in your life. I rather wished you would experience Christmas like the Magi and Shepards. That you would hear with your ears the constant call of my Saviour on your life, and to go back to behold God's renewed hope for your life. It'll be worth more than any Christmas gift.

blessings and with love,

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)

10 December 2006

Stand Still & See

2 Chronicles 20:17
Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the LORD will be with you.

We are such pains in the necks, sometimes. Like figidty toddlers, some of us childishly just can't stand or sit still. Some of us are spiritually retarded because we don't listen well, suffer from itchy backsides and do silly things that are just wrong, inspite of whatever common-sense and Godly upbringing we have.

True character only comes about when we are tested in situations. Not everytime in our lives will we encounter dramatic situations like that of King Jehoshaphat as he faced 3 opposing armies and faced imminent doom. Such a fiery test of persecution and negativism would automatically cause many of us to scramble for God.

However, to some of us, all we need is a test of nothingness and wilderness where we feel the "Oh-so-aimless" feeling. Suddenly, the stillness of the season causes us to start crumbling as life stagnates undramatically and moves in meaningless fashion.

In this modern day of instant gratification where life is about Me, Myself and I, I believe there are aimless times like these where we are required to stand still and be tested for our sheer ability to wait. All we are required is to not move and faithfully look. Failing to do which, we start taking matters into our own hands and self-destruct.

King Saul is one key example which demonstrates this principle of a figidity person, who simply didn't wait.
1 Samuel 13:8 onwards records:
"Saul remained at Gilgal, and all the troops with him were quaking with fear. He waited seven days, the time set by Samuel; but Samuel did not come to Gilgal, and Saul's men began to scatter. So he said, "Bring me the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings." And Saul offered up the burnt offering."

Because of his disobedience to wait, Saul took matters into his own hands and lit the burnt offering. This grave mistake of "doing-when-you-are-not-instructed" resulted in Saul and his future generations loosing the kingship.

Like Peter as he fished all night but he caught no fish, sometimes we may have all the experience, demonstrate all the effort and do what's required. But as God dictates, we'll reap nothing and everything is futile. I find that the beauty of Christian living is we are not required to think so many steps ahead of our days. "Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow" - in order words, do what you need today, and when you have done it, stand still in God and observe. But yet many of us can't resist shuffling ourselves.

On the last night of my mission trip sharing in Muar, I learnt the simplest lesson of having to submit and trust God's sovereignty and do whatever simple instruction is required. Thereafter to stand still and see God at work.

Like parents who often have to snap at their figidity children to stay still and stop moving about because we'll just waste energy and could well hurt ourselves. I speak to those of you who feel that even though you are faithfully attending church, yet you perceive yourself to be drifting around aimlesslessly and the things of God just don't seem to speak to you nor direct you. Today and for the rest of this season, can you "STOP FIGIDITING!".

May you learn to stand still in spite of your circumstances (or lack of it) and just see. You could be required to just look for a "long" time, but take heed in your spirit man that you need to look at realise that inspite of it all, God's salvation is still with you. Just stop trying to move about and do anything, please.


"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway." (Proverbs 8:34)

01 December 2006

God Would Grant What I Hope For

Job 6:7
Oh, that I might have my request,that God would grant what I hope for.

For the past 2 weeks, I had two prayers of my heart consume me. Everyday in the morning, while at work, before I sleep and yes, even when I'm lumbering to the toilet at 3am for toilet break, I'll mutter my prayers for the 2 matters.

The larger of the 2 issues that consumed my thoughts was for Matthew to get his parent's approval to go Cebu for the mission trip. His trip was conditional upon his passing his exams, which didn't materialised, to my greatest horror. Just when it seemed doomed, I chanced upon the verse in Proverbs that boldly proclaims "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails". It caused me to leap up in renewed hope as I started imagining in bold faith an upcoming victory in my prayer.

So I started going forth sharing with Matthew that in everything that was encountered, we will choose to believe that the fulfilment of the Mission trip will happen because simply, God's purposes will prevail! Boy was I hyped up and fired on to see how it would happened, especially since Matthew also undertook the task of fasting and making daily prayers for the trip's fulfilment.

Then, as per all dramatic moments required, Matthew drops a bombshell on Friday night to say that during his dinner with his father, the clear answer given to his punitive attempt to ask about the mission trip participation came back with a BIG FAT "No" answer. Needless to say, the walls of faith starts cracking up and I reiterated with reduced faith that "God's purposes shall prevail".

I'm not sure if you have ever encountered moments like this where there's an experience of momentarily hyped up bold faith followed by an event that causes a downhill slide into a clump of reduced faith & self-doubt. I've learned that even the most experienced warrior would encounter situations like these throughout his/her lifetime, what more normal folks.

If we look at the passage above, we see Job and his heartfelt plea. What's interesting is that this 1 verse is actually a plea of a grieving man to have God end it all because of the pain and misery encountered. The continuing verse goes to state what was his request to God : "that God would be willing to crush me, to let loose his hand and cut me off!"

I may not have yearned for God to crush me, but just last weekend, I muttered with a similiar perspective for God to just end things and let it be - rather than to have it ding-dong about with no respite in sight and massive uncertainities leading up to the date of departure-1 Dec 06. I may confess that these moments in life where we encounter such ups and downs coupled with ongoing work/studies issues really stretches one's faith and stress levels to the maximum.

Inspite of everything, like Job throughout his struggles, we must stand in firm resolution. That's when faith progresses from a mere hyped sensation towards a small but convicted belief. In the midst of self-doubts, questioning and stress, even with no sight of victory nearby, we must believe that God would grant us what we hoped for, and the matter prayed for must happen because the results will bring about God's glory and further the kingdom of God!

Like little baby steps, I had to mutter to myself constantly, "the purposes of God shall prevail and God would grant what I hope for". Thereafter to make even bolder step to prepare for the fulfilment of our prayers. (i.e Matthew to bring home the Skittles sweets needed for the trip's party, check and renew the passport...)

Amidst all these, of course, was the usual worries, fears and self doubts. Tapered to as little as possible because for once I understood that God is really the only reason why I could have hope in such an impossible situation. On my own, it was all a state of hopelessness, especially with each passing day, the trip looming and his expired passport still in his parent's possession.

Today, Friday, 1 December 10:15pm, I'll be meeting Matthew and the rest of the Mission trippers at the budget terminal because I'll be sending them off for what I truely believe to be an awesome life-changing trip. My heart rejoices in overwhelming joy and my face is glowing with victorious glee because on Wednesday night Matthew's father verbally consented to his going for the trip. It was an edgy night for him before the talk with his dad and details aside, the conclusion was a "Yes".

To God be the Glory!


"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD" (Psalm 31:24)