21 March 2007

To See the Word of God!

Matthew 13:16
But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear

This week I started work in my new job and with it comes a new office, new people to know, policies and new everything.

The first 3 days have been rather slow as I go about groping in the dark what I'm suppose to actually do, and what is expected of me, and who are the people around me.

Along with this new job comes many positives like a pay rise, pantry with free drinks and biscuits and many new handphones to play with. The sucky thing about changing anew is the fact that I'm totally out of my comfort zone and there's really just too many people and policies patrolling it. Doesn't help that the fun part of spending money and doing creative work is no longer part of my job scope.

There's really nothing much to whine or boast about as I trudge along and need to pick up everything and start performing fast.

The horror of my life came about as I joyfully logged into the internet and realised that so many /all of the christian sites which I frequent are now blocked off by a "smart filter" set by the IT people. The key reason given behind it? "Religion and Ideology" which the legal people or whoever policy maker has advised.

From my daily bread readings, which has always been my regular homepage, to the bible gateway which I use to do bible checks, and even the Royal Rangers US website which I refer to to obtain my detailed description of the merits and activities. It's now all taken away. It's a horrible feeling really, because suddenly I feel so robbed of my Christian freedom and ability to read the word of God.

Suddenly, I regret the many days which I opened the browser just to bypass the daily bread readings and click onto hotmail and gmail to check my mails. For all the past times which I took the freely online availability of the Word of God and the ease of searching for verses, I truely feel blinded now and like some persecuted Christian in a communist country.

The internet at work now serves very little fun and function and boy is it making me feel like a withering plant.

Thank God that I clicked around and around desperately and found 2 sites which offer me a simple online Bible reading and search function. They may not be as advanced as Bible gateway, but the moment I found them, I was truely grateful. It felt as if my blinded eyes could see and the freedom the see the Word of God online made my day.

For once I truely understand the meaning of these words by Jesus to His disciples that it is truely blessed to see the things/words of God.
I sincerely pray that these websites wouldn't be blocked off by some zealous IT filter person, because I've come to be so reliant on searching on the web for all my bible needs. Likewise, I also pray you will treasure the free opportunities and access to the Words of God because they bring life and hope.


"For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." (Proverbs 4:22)