14 March 2013

Reopening the wells of your life

Genesis 26:18
Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them.

At every demise of someone younger, it always makes everyone who knows the departed sit up to reflect about life.

Attending one night of Hui Xuan's funeral was a very heartbreaking moment for many. As you witness the passing of a young, intelligent girl made many feel that she seemed robbed of her days, having gone so early when all others are given years more to live their life. Some may feel that she passed away without living through a full life of a ripe-old-age. Yet the undeniable truth is she passed away having left on a great legacy and a life well lived, even in the short 10+ years that she had.

The fact of the matter is we'll all die someday. Some live really short lives, others average and still others long lives. Being human, we fear death and just want to avoid having to live a short life. The importance, however,is how good was the quality lived and if it was of purpose.

Why are some of us blessed with more days than those who are called back at a young age? Compared to many young kids who passed away, what are you doing with the added days of your life.
 Well in dry and arid land bring water to the thirsty and life to man and their animals. The enemies of past would often destroy these well by choking it with stones, dirt and pollutants such that the water could not be reached and be polluted andundrinkable. To reopen the well would often take much effort as one painstakingly clear the blockage, flush out the old waters and redig into deeper depth. Some may find it easier to dig another well rather than to restore an old blocked well. Most would find it too painful and tough to redig and would simply abandon it, leaving to find somewhere else to settle - sadly, abandoning the land of their inheritance. 

Just like the verse above, God has a habit of giving many chances to us. Like Isaac who reopened the closed wells of his father, God is in the business of giving us opportunities to reopen our lives and make it alive again.  Some of us may have allowed life to choke us of our God-given calling, others may have allowed the devil to block up that which is to make us live righteously. Gifts, calling, dreams, prophesies and promises could all be abandoned like blocked, forgotten wells.

Yet, God can and will reopen those wells. He'll also rename them as they were originally. A restoration of life that is meant to realign all that is good and purposeful in the days that you live for Him, and Him alone.

You who have more days of life than those like Hui Xuan. What are you doing with the added days of life given to you? May you allow God to reopen that which no longer possess life, that your life would flourish with fresh springs of water and be a mighty blessing to all who come your way. Live well and end well.
