26 December 2007

Good tidings of great joy to ALL

Luke 2:10
"And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people"

Christmas day has passed, whew! For all the handmade food, gifts of big and small value which I received, I'm thankful for them. (Even for those which don't meet my needs, no worries because you'll never always get the perfect gift!) Simply because every gift which was given was an evidence that someone thought of me during this hectic season. A time where we rush about to buy gifts for our friends. Moreover some of you students only have a pitiful amount of money which I can imagine if you had to spend $5 and more and multiplied by the number of friends, would amount to a tidy sum of money. For these individual, I sincerely thank you.

I am also deeply grateful for those rare handwritten notes from individuals that have been written from their heart because they strike the cord of my heart and means more than any physical gift given to me.

On this day after Christmas, I'm at work feeling totally exhausted and looking really terrible. I am really looking forward to some time to rest and recharge. Gift giving is extremely emotional draining when we attempt to not only think of what is usable or appropriate, but importantly what to write on the card.

With age comes mellowing of character and a deeper introspective thoughts of what Christmas really means to me and how I like to celebrate it next year. As I review it all today, somehow, this year, there was so many gifts to give and to 'swap' gifts that I'm wondering if we have lost the cosyness of sharing our love in a deep and meaningful way and replaced it with getting gifts because the occasion dictates it.

Don't get me wrong, I love getting gifts! I'm grateful to be in a ministry where I have so many to give gifts to and receive from. I'm deeply convinced that on this designated day called Christmas is when we rejoice over the birth of Jesus because it signalled that Salvation for man is here through the infinite love and grace of God. However, I wondered to myself if the massive gift giving exchange exercise which transpired yesterday made many others felt left out. In the hustle and bustle of lugging gifts, I observed that there were many "left out" individuals who were barely receiving anything. Especially when we measure Christmas as how loved we are by the number of gifts we get, it can be very miserable for some, especially youths.

As I carry home my 2 bags of presents, and such thoughts were racing through my mind, I really wished that I should have spent a bit more time and money to get gifts for more out-of-clique individuals. I know that my close friends would not have minded if I got them cheaper gifts if they knew that my money was to get better gifts for the out-of-clique individuals. In fact, I also wished that I could have asked my rangers to not give me a gift, but instead transfer my gift for a designated individual which I would appoint to them. Afterall, when Jesus came to the world, He brought about good tidings of great joy to ALL.

Today, I feel that we haven't really done enough to echo this gospel truth of the birth of Christ. Our gift giving exercise yesterday seemed to have evolved into an overly inclusive friendship-gift-giving exercise that excludes and isolates others. Yes, the gifts which we gave is to express our love to our friends, but conversely it also covey the message that if you don't receive much or any gifts, you aren't very loved and appreciated. If this is how some felt, truely Christmas would be a lonely and miserable day.

In my life, I've been blessed when I received gifts from people I never expected because it meant that I am someone and this person knows of my existance. Likewise, I too truely believe that as we grow deeper in Christ, we need to bring joy of our Christmas celebrations to those not in our inner circle, where a thoughful surprise gift from us could mean so much to them.

For all that we sing and proclaim in our carolling: "Joy to the world, the Lord is come!". I aspire to make some changes in the way the love of Christmas is to be shared. Similiarly, I pray you will celebrate the love of Christmas differently and reach out to many others, come next year.


"As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him. Rooted and builded up in him, and established in your faith, even as ye were taught, abounding in thanksgiving." (Colossians 2: 6)

20 December 2007

2007 ends - the close of one chapter of life

Ecclesiastes 11:1
Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.

This has been an encouraging promise to many involved in the ministry of God's Word especially if those involved in the work of an Apostle or a Missionary. This is also the verse that has blessed me as I end the current season of my life and move on into 2008.

It's been a good seven years that I've served handling youths in Faith Rangers and I've seen lives come and grow, as well as lives come and go. I would have never started the journey and left the comfort zone of teaching Pioneer kids if the Lord has not placed in me the challenge to take on and help to keep Teens to make them into Godly men.

The road has been bumpy but somehow not of turmoil. I've learnt much, fumbled much, lost much, gained much and changed much. In this time, I learnt to see the potential of a teen for the desitiny which he is capable of achieving and not just what he thinks he can achieve or what I could physically see. I've also learnt to give and be generous with my money, time and love. I also thank God for enlarging the giftings and tents of my life when he challenged me to embrace the need for looking after the teenage girls who had no commander to look after. As the first batch of Ranger girls graduated, I gratefully thanked God for empowering me to lead a mixed gender Expedition Rangers programme, inspite of the fact that I was alone and I knew that a man is limited in the ways to bring up and impact a girls life.

Along the way, I was blessed with the company of matured National RR staff who gave me timely encouragement and shared their wisdom and lives with me. I'm most grateful for the prophetic blessing of God in my life as He revealed to me the potential of the lives I handled and gave me different purposes to fulfil. For all that I planned, He made it come to pass and opened the ways for me to serve the plans which he planted in my heart. I would have never imagined that as the years went by, fellow peers would also arise to co-serve beside me and share my burdens.

I'm blessed when I look back at the labour of my effort and I testify that it's really not of my own strength nor effort. All the results achieved and glory is really of God and not of mine to boast of. I'm very blessed by God's grace to have been the chosen vessel because I had the choice to not do it when He first asked.

But deep in my heart, as I approached the closing of this season of my life, I became rather disappointed with what I critically saw as I felt that the work on every Ranger whom I've taught and am teaching is not there yet. Somehow it seems that some retardation has taken place and the work as 2007 comes to an end seems to be somewhat off-track. What I see today, sadly, is not the complete vision which has been placed in my heart in 2004.

Placed in my heart is a vision of past and present rangers standing tall, each as giant tree with full green foilage.(That's also explains this blog's body text background which I chose) I envision a forest of them standing powerfully and impressively before man, constantly impacting people and bringing glory to the kingdom of God. They will lead uncompromising lives of excellence, understand the heart-beat of God to reach the unsaved and take upon themselves an eager servant heart to serve, evangelise and reach out to each other with initiative and without complaints.

As the days became weeks and a series of events occurred before me, with much personal struggle and deliberation, I had resigned myself to accept the lack of fruition of this vision and decided to shelf this personal vision aside. I was resigned to move on in disappointment as I saw the doors which the Lord had opened for me in the coming year. However, through the grace of God, one day the Lord ministered to me the verse of Ecclesiastes 11:1. As I read the verse, it brough to me a renewed sense of hope that someday I will come back to find the bread which I've casted. It wasn't a lost cause as I had imagined. Importantly, as the days came by, I'm once again reminded that it is only what HE does through us that will count for eternity and is for His glory, not what we do for Him.

I grateful for His timely personal encouragment on my life and the comfort of hope which He provided to mend my personal disappointments. Truely I serve a God of Hope who provides me with the hope to move on. I know and choose to confess that nothing done for God is ever in vain and the promises of the Lord are true and amen. Someday, I will come back to find the bread which I've casted and give God the glory for the work done. In the meantime, I constantly encourage myself as I step out of my comfort zone and proceed into the 'unknown' challenges of 2008.

Today, I'm truly grateful to be chosen to be a part of God's timing and plans these past years and I sincerely bless every life that has passed through me. May they grow up to achieve the awesome Godly-purposed destiny which the Lord had willed for them the day they were born. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

with love and blessings

"I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the calling wherewith ye were called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."(Ephesians 4:1-3)

10 December 2007

Live Worthy of Your Calling

Ephesians 4:1
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

I just returned from my second trip to Muar and it has been a blessing to have the chance to meet up with those whom we knew last year again. Like all other mission trips, it was fraught with many changes which required us to adjust flexibily. Fortunately, as relatively seasoned mission trippers, the commanders were able to scale down and improvise because this year, the workshop participants were really young and innocent.

Personally, I'm disappointed that out of so many ER's, only 3 eager hearts made themselves available to the tasks of going to this mission trip. It's such a stark contrast to the eager bethelites who were beaming to leave for their mission trip to thailand. Nonetheless, I'm also truely blessed that these 3 chosed to sacrifice time to go because it spoke volumes of their heart to obey God's commission in their capacity.

Having assigned the 2 guys to preach a sermon and having seen their efforts in preparation, it was a shame to have to tell each of them that they needed to cut their message into a simple devotional closing because for each day, time did not permit them to share what they had prepared with their heart and soul. But, I am reminded of the fact that God looks at the heart and not at the physical. So even though each only presented a skimmed version without the bells and whistles prepared, truely their work done was worthy of praise as it was prepared out of the righteous essence to bless the Muarians.

When Samuel adjusted his sharing to the key verse of John 20:21 and shared that Jesus had told every believer that "I am sending you". I saw the living truth of his sharing as he stood on the pulpit as a living example of a Christian who was responding to the call to go out to disciple all nations.

("So Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you."John 20:21)

The ER's who went out to Muar are not the most talented or multi-gifted compared to many others. It was evident as they each struggled through their respective tasks. From worship leading for Valencia, to english-mandarin translation for GuiHong and sermon sharing for Samuel, none of them had it easy.

As Paul states clearly, it's not about how many gifts or abilities, it's about living a life which is worthy of your calling. We are called to live worthy lives! Should that not make us want to constantly go forth to do any of God's work and expand the few and limited talents we all possess, rather than do things with ease and living in contentment.

I pray that this minor set-back of having so few mission trip participants would be a one time glitch which would be erased in the coming years when many would arise and create opportunities for themselves to go forth rather than await for opportunities to be created for them to go and serve.

Personally, I've learnt much during this mission trip and my eyes are once again renewed with the truth of how blessed and overly saturated we are and how the fields abroad are lacking of any form of willing harvesters. I'm grateful that I was given the chance to meet up with the older youths such as Joash and Shirley and have had the chance to pray over them. I am reminded of the truth that such youths/young adults represent a new generation that God can use mightily.

I may never get a chance to meet the many people whom I've met in our various mission trips again. So today, I deeply pray over them and the youths of my church that each will end well in their life's journey as they live a passionate life for God that is worthy of the calling of God.


"But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it." (Ephesians 4:7)

30 November 2007

You are God's!

Isaiah 43:1-3
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by your name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

There are days when I marvel at how weak and feeble many of us are in our Christian walk. Somehow, many don't seem to revel in the truth that accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour has elevated their lives position as Children of God. Not any god, but a child of the almighty, omnipotent God who created the heaven and everything on and in the earth. We are God's! Why then are we not moving from the whiny, burdened life which everyone lives and then live purposefully and joyfully?

Can there be any greater comfort or encouragement than to revel in the reality of this verse in which God says I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by your name YOU ARE MINE! Born by God, Redeemed by God, Summoned by God, Claimed by God You Are Mine! That should cause our hearts to overflow with continual praise and thanksgiving as we bow in awe before HIM. Has this blessed truth ever penetrated your heart? Who are you that the almighty God would adopt with open arms and claim you as His? Yet, He did and make you and I joint-heirs in Christ. It should radically change your life from a passive spiritual existence to a triumphant life in Christ!

How mighty are the words of Habakkuk amidst the most devastating conditions. Read them thoughtfully and let the word of God impact your heart. May you arise from the miry, mediocre life and live an astounding life filled with power and joy from today and beyond.


"Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines: the labor of the olive tree shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation" (Hab.3:17-18)

22 November 2007

Hosanna to the Son of David

I see the king of glory
Coming down the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes, the whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing, the people sing

Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take the place
With selfless faith, with selfless faith
I see a new revival
Staring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees, we're on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what is yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

(Hosanna by Hillsong United)

I must say that I really like this song by Hillsongs. It reminds me of the scene in John 12:13 where Jesus entered into Jerusalem:

"On the next day the large crowd who had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to shout, "Hosanna! BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, even the King of Israel."

As I sung this song this morning, the words of the song really awakened my inner being as the words "Hosanna, Hosanna" resounded throughout the chorus. It just felt so very right as I echoed the chorus as I know someday before the spendid majesty of God, believers will fall in awe and proclaim it before Him.

Meanwhile while we are forging ahead in our earthly and transient journey, may we be a people of selfless faith who are willing to be broken for the purposes of God to be fulfilled in our lives.


"Blessed are those slaves whom the master will find on the alert when he comes; truly I say to you, that he will gird himself to serve, and have them recline at the table, and will come up and wait on them." (Luke 12:37)

21 November 2007

Who do you say Jesus is?

Matthew 16 :13 & 15
Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?"
He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"

When Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples this simple but complex question, "Who do you say I am?". I personally feel that it is a challenging question for one to answer on the spot because the answer which we spout forth would reflect the true nature of who Jesus is to us.

The bible says that we will know a true prophet/believer if he proclaims that Jehovah is God and Jesus as the son of God and the only way we can save ourselves from sin is to accept and believe in Him.

There are many other compromised answers which the world say of who Jesus is. The Mormons answer this question by saying that Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer; Jehovah's Witnesses answer by saying that Jesus is the archangel Michael; New Agers say Jesus is an avatar or enlightened messenger.

As a born again Christian, who do you say that Jesus is in your life? Your answer would reveal if he is indeed on the throne of our life.

Today, may you be one of them who confess "Jesus, you are the Lord of my life, the son of the living God".


"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." Matthew. 16:16

12 November 2007

Do You Love Jesus?

John 21:16
Lovest thou me? feed my sheep.

Three times Jesus says this phrase to Peter, until Peter got agitated. Some scholars have mentioned that perhaps it was to drill it into Peter because earlier on he had professed to Jesus that he will never depart Jesus. Yet when Jesus was arrested, Peter denied Christ thrice. Nonetheless, one of the reason why Peter was also selected to answer this question was because he was regarded as the head of all the disciples.

This is a clear mandate to all of Christians. If you say you love Jesus, Jesus is asking you to "feed his sheep". (Sheep! feed the silly, low IQ animals called mankind - I've shared about this topic in an earlier post)

We often find ourselves devoted to life's causes, programs, entertainment and activities, and so few devoted to an intimate relationship with Christ. Jesus' first obedience was to the will of His Father, not to the needs of Men; that was the natural outcome of His obedience to the Father. The same principle is imperative in our spiritual life.

If today you look at your life and can plainly see that you are not serving the heartbeat of God, I can confidently also say that you have issues saying "Jesus, I love you truly." Not to hurl stones at your life or condemn those who are not actively serving or reaching out to the world whom God created and so loved (John 3:16), but the key purpose of this passage speaks of Jesus' commands on his disciples to show forth their love to him through the necessary actions that he desired of his disciples.

Yes, if the people whom we are called to serve are truely as frustratingly silly and stupid like sheep, I can understand how many of us would shun the job and just want to not do anything. But we're not told to shephard the sheep, we're told only to do the simple act of feeding. How can we run away from such a simple instruction for Jesus if we say we are devoted to him?

The message of Christ is not to make us busy workers in various ministries, because our devotion to Christ must take precedent over our service for Christ. This does not take away from being involved in service for Christ; rather, when HE is our foremost concern and the ONE to whom our life is devoted to. Thus, our involvement in serving will naturally follow as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

I liken it to falling in love, and since I'm no expert in the area of falling in love, at least I like to raise the example of having a best friend in life. Not only do we cherish the person, for the time and open communication which transpires in friendship, we would naturally offer help and express interest in any issue which the individual faces.

Thus, the overflow of our love for Christ would naturally see us doing what our Master and Lord feels for. That is why all of our service and ministry should begin with our devotion to Christ and our trust in Him, as the source of our strength and sufficiency.

We don't serve or minister with our own strength or with good intentions, that's called human charity which the world already practices. Instead, as we grow in our knowledge and fellowship with God, the Holy spirit with natually penetrate our hearts and bring us to see the heartbeat of God and teach us how to serve Him with complete reliance upon HIM.

Do you love Jesus? May your love for him lead you to feed his sheep.


"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." " (John 6:68)

08 November 2007

In the day of Battle

Psalm 78:8-9
"They would not be like their forefathers - a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him. The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle"

One of my greatest fear is that the youths whom I taught or am teaching currently will someday lapse into their old self the moment I move on and stop being their immediate leader. I say this not of pride nor of need to gain self accomplishment but really because I know that every one's mettle is only proven when the storms of life hit and you are left to make your own choices. As seen in the bible through many examples such as this: "No sooner had Gideon died than the Israelites again prostituted themselves to the Baals. They set up Baal-Berith as their god and did not remember the LORD their God" (Judges 8:33-34a)

Ephriam was not just any other tribe, it is the tribe from which Joshua was from. Numbers 2:18-24 also tell us that the tribe of Ephriam were a priviledged tribe who were placed to the west of the ark of covenant in the Israelite formation.

Yet, greatness of one's history or heritage does not secure the equal greatness of one's character. Just because your forefather was one of the greatest leaders in history does not make you of equal standing like them.

The men of Ephraim were well equipped and furnished with the required weapons, however, they failed in faith and courage and retreated before the foe. What a tragedy it is to be equipped with the required weapon and then fail to muster the moral courage to fight gallantly as required and trained.

The account of the men of Ephraim in Psalm 78.9 can happen to anyone of us. Let's not kid ourselves, talk of us being in faith with God is cheap. I don't believe that anyone of us in church today can say that we're not equipped with the weapons to defend ourselves or to take the higher ground in battle.

Today, you can serve actively in church or be involved in a ministry or cell that is providing you with a covering, but in the day of your own battle where you are to stand for your faith and do what you are to do, will you turn your back like the men of Ephraim?

May you always stand your ground in faith and loyalty to God.


"But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." (Matthew 7:26-27)

02 November 2007

I'm the House of Prayer

Luke 19:45-46
Jesus entered the temple and began to drive out those who were selling, saying to them, "It is written, "AND MY HOUSE SHALL BE A HOUSE OF PRAYER," but you have made it a ROBBERS' DEN."

Nowadays, thanks to the fact that I'm handling the walkman category of the phones, I've started depending on the phone to play all my christian songs and podcast sermons the moment I leave the house. This allows me to worship or listen to the word of God being shared and boy is it really invigorating to start the day this way, especially when the weather is cool and on days when the Holy Spirit reveals a deeper revelation of the word of God and God's perspectives of things.

It's an amazing feeling of revelation when you think about the word of God and it literally becomes alive and pops into a 3D format at you.

Just a day ago, I was brought into prayer after a brief worship session as I walked to work and suddenly this incident popped up into my mind:
Some time ago, Clark was playing "chor tie ti" (a somewhat chinese version of bridge) in the annex with some of the other ex rangers and I voiced my displeasure of him partaking in what I considered to be gambling - even if it didn't involve money. Somehow, in my perspective, I regard it as gambling because it is an activity which the secular partakes. There and then it was and still is disturbing for me to see my Rangers living compromised lives as they partake in their entertainment activities which the world practices for its own version of entertainment. Not that I'm innocent for not doing something similar because I too was chided, when I was 16, by my father for playing mahjong even though too gave the similar excuse of "I'm not playing with money." Don't get me wrong, I really love playing mahjong as a game, so I didn't just obey when my father chided me, rather I stood my ground and argued with my aggressive teenage attitude - and boy was I a fiery, stubborn teenager then.

Somehow, I chose to swallow the logic of my father when he retorted through my argument of "the game is developed behind the spirit of gambling and you are partaking in it when you play the game". I'm not sure when I finally bought the logic but through obliging obedience, somehow today I'm not comfortable with Christians adopting secular stuff for our own lifestyle usage as we inevitably disguise or ignore the essence and spirit behind the secular activity. Thus, I stand firm in discomfort against any of my rangers who partake in adopting secular gambling games or programmes in their excuse of clean entertainment.

Anyhow, after that thought of the event in the annex came back to me in remembrance, before I could think in puzzlement why, the word of God in the passage above of Luke 19:45-46 came to mind. It dawned upon myself that the Annex which we used as the church is not to be used as an den where gambling activities and spirit of thieves and robbers reside. But before I could affirm with a "oh, I see", the next passage popped up and hit me hard in deep revelation.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body."

Immediately, the holy spirit spoke to me that the issue of Clark and gang playing "Chor Tie Ti" wasn't just about the physical church being neglected as a place of worship but it also involved a deeper issue of our bodies, "temple of the Holy Spirit", being defiled when we partake in secular activities. Often we perceive the first level of this verse meaning by stating that we should not mutilate our physical bodies or even pollute through vocal obscenities, immoral sexual lifestyle or disgusting habits.

The deeper meaning of Jesus displaying his righteous anger as he chased the vendors and money changers from the physical synagogue is also realised in our physical bodies because our bodies and all it's physical, mental, social and emotional elements have been purchased by the blood of Christ. Therefore it is no longer us that live and we are not free to do as we want to defile our being.

Lord, today may the Holy Spirit check, convict and stop us for all the stuff, things, activities & entertaiment of the world that we consume wantonly. Forgive us for the times we defile this body which you have paid for with your precious blood and work on the cross, for we know that we need to make this body a house of prayer and not a den of sin.

May you and I live lives that bring to God the greatest glory, even if the world thinks we're being boring or silly for the strictness of our lifestyle.


"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be!" (1 Corinthians 6:15)

25 October 2007

Life happens.

Ecclesiastes 9:11
The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.

I quite like the verses of Ecclesiastes because they have a strange but profound way of saying that almost everything we do to gain in life on earth is in vain. It's also kinda bleak to read it all if you are a competitive person in this competitive nation who is striving to achieve your excellence before man. Ecclesiastes does seem to encourage us to be resigned as slackers in life - don't vie, don't try so hard, after all everying is vanity. Someday, we'll die and won't be able to bring with us any of the accolades that life's glory bring or the richness of wealth that we accumulate and store up.

However, the very finite reality which Solomon talks about is a very important key fact for us to know and believe. It's to keep us grounded in the striving for better grades, more money or larger pay increaments. We should not need the death of a close one for us to be brought down to the reality of our life being a passing, fleeting moment.

God’s Word tells us that being faster, stronger and wiser does not automatically make you a success in life. Only God can put you at the right place at the right time. It should also remind us that our life is not made up of our own achievements but are of the blessings which God decrees on us.

May you be reminded of the need to not strive too hard, because God is with us.


"The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person." (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

17 October 2007

Food for the soul.

John 4:34
Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work."

This was a very interesting passage which popped up at me as I was listening to a devotional passage. Jesus proclaims that doing God will is the deepest source of strength and satisfaction for him. Therefore, you can feel physically hungry and improvished, but when you do the will of God, you get food for your soul!

Sure physically you may be tired, but internally you would be energised. If you would just refer to this chapter of John 4: 3-42, You see Jesus' example as he ministers to the woman inspite of his circumstances and physical hunger. John tells us that Jesus was resting by the well in the middle of the day as his disciples went to find him a meal. Clearly, he was hot and hungry, but inspite of it, he spent his time and energy to minister to the Samaritan woman. That's why Jesus was explaining to his disciples and us that when you do God's will, you get food that is above your physical hunger needs.

"Do the will of God who sends you"

If what you are doing for God leaves you starving spiritually, something is seriously wrong! Do you feel further and further from God? Or find yourself tired, dry, parched and would classify yourself as an exhausted soul, something must be wrong! You must be not doing God's will because if you are serving God and your inside is feeling empty, either you are doing your own will or you are doing it on your own strength. Perhaps you are doing good things or good intentions. But even good intentions will tired you out because we are doing too much of things that are not part of God's will for your life.

Conversely, if today you are not serving in any ministry or actively serving God, can you honestly do some soul searching and see if your soul is dry and not going anywhere. As we look at the example of Jesus who became man, he nourished his soul by constantly doing God's will. Therefore, you need to understand that you cannot say I'll be nourished as I rest from serving God. Jesus demonstrates and states clearly that when we do the will of God, it will feed and nourish you!

If we refer to the illustration of how a farmer labours in his field as he harvest, it's physically tiring but it's deeply satisfying when it's being done. You can't run away from getting your hands soiled and your muscles tired and still expect to be deeply satisfied for your non-contribution.

What therefore is the will of God? Jesus explains it in the passage of John 4 that the will of God is for us to labour in the harvest of souls! So we also need to partake in the work of the harvest of souls, well at least, we must be involved in ministering to those in need to show them the love of God.

May you do the work which God wants you to do, then only will you gain the overflowing satisfaction of God's food for your soul.


"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:3)

09 October 2007

Arrested But Not Defeated

Acts 5:17-20
But the high priest rose up, and all who were with him, and filled with jealousy they arrested the apostles and put them in the public prison. But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, "Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this Life."

Oh this has been a terrible week at work thus far! I really cannot stand the fact that I'm being blamed for problems that have nothing to do with me, and what's worse is the fact that the accuser is the one who originated the cause of the problem! Talk about being unjustly treated and being blame innocently. Times like this, I really want to just stab idiots like these or at least throw a hex upon them.

In an increasingly secular and ungodly culture, I wonder how many of us Christians wonder about our role and duty as we live in the secular and cannot just curse and swear with glee like the ungodly. Should we lobby for fairness that should belonged to us who are working responsibly and fairly? With the unfairness of the world, how do we make any effort to live with a Christian perspective and attitude? The Bible speaks clearly about our duty, and it's all about governing -- governing our character.

If we read the passage in Acts, the disciples were unfairly treated and persecuted because people did not like to hear what they were saying. However, instead of just rescuing the disciples and allowing them to flee and hide, the angel charged the apostles to go back to the temple and pick up where they left off: Don't lower the flag. Don't soften the message. Don't get strategic or subtle or clever. Just get back to doing what you are called to do. "And when they heard this, they entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach" (v.21). Peter and John went right back to doing what God had called them to do. In spite of the religious leaders' attempts to douse the passion of the early church, Acts 6:7 tells us that, "The word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem."

Yes, it is an unfair world where we are to live and survive in. However, we must take heart that no one can stop what God is doing and wants to get done. No matter what move evil makes, God trumps it, and His purposes move forward. His hands are never tied. His message is never muted. No matter what opposition is thrown in its path, when the church of Jesus Christ is what it's intended it to be, it is flat-out an unstoppable force for God.

So even though I knew that it was to be crummy days with never ending problems and blames being hurled at me, as I spent some time walking out of my desk for toilet breaks or to my other colleague's table, I reminded myself "breathe, there's nothing more that you can do and all I can do is rely on God to aid me in this circumstance so that everything would work out well in my favour and God would eventually justify me".

May we never get sucked in by the problems and unjust situations that are before us. Always remember that the plans and purposes of God are always bigger and are meant to accomplish the Glory that is due to Him.


"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

01 October 2007

Hearing Sheep

John 10:27
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

Sheep are dumb animals. If you have ever seen them, you know what I mean. Apart from the silly herd mentality which they possess, which can result them pointlessly running away when the herd is spooked, they really smell too. The imagery of sheeps being cute, fluffy animals were ruined when I saw them up close and live in Australia. Not only was the wool often dirty, the smell of them was good enough to make me refuse the touristy act of carrying a lamb to take a picture. A good thing too because the lamb promptly decided to urinate when the person in front of me carried the lamb to take the obligatory tourist picture. That put off my impression of lambs being cute and adorable for life.

Yet, the bible records the idea of Jesus as the shepherd and mankind as the sheep. Today, it dawned upon me that if we humans find sheep to be stupidly low IQ animals, how much more extreme the rift between the Almighty God versus us human being. No wonder we are compared to Sheep!

Sheep are defenceless animals whose only form of defence against enemies is to run away, and not as if they can outrun their enemies! Thus, the weakest of them would often be caught by enemies and through the sacrifice of one can the other sheep live to survive for another day. Even with a shepard to watch over them, sheeps would still wonder away foolishly and find themselves in danger or lost. The term obedience is really some foreign to describe sheep and not something which one can try to instill in them through training. Personally, I think it must be really zapping to look after sheeps because you got to constantly look out for them and also to guide them. If your attention stray, you stand a high chance of a sheep or two straying, barring the fact that the herd doesn't run off at the slightest thing that scares them.

However, in spite of the low IQ, disloyal wandering nature of sheeps, we know that they, like most animals in the animal kingdom recognise the person who feeds and looks after them. I'm not sure about you, but having recognise the plain stupidity of sheep and how irritating it must be to look after such an unteachable animal, I have new found gratitude to God for being very patient with me and for offering to be my shepherd.

I know that like stupid sheep which I despise, I too share the same traits of them and can never stay focused on my Saviour and would wander off occasionally without realising that it puts me at great risks. Thus, I thank God for patiently looking after my wellbeing and calling out to me whenever I wander off, so I can wander back to the direction of His voice.

Surely, you and I can frankly look at ourselves in the mirror of self-reflection and see traits of disobedient and stupid sheep which are really unlovable. But the word of God says that inspite of our blemishes and foolishness, God loves us unceasingly and want us to hear His voice and follow Him whereever He goes. Will you today stop wandering where you desire and walk in the direction of the Shepherd's voice because He loves us inspite of our sheep-like nature.


"what does the LORD your God require from you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deuteronomy 10:12)

26 September 2007

Thanking God before we testify before man

Luke 17:12-19 (NASB)
As He entered a village, ten leprous men who stood at a distance met Him; and they raised their voices, saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!" When He saw them, He said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they were going, they were cleansed. Now one of them, when he saw that he had been healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice, and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him. And he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered and said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine--where are they? "Was no one found who returned to give glory to God, except this foreigner?" And He said to him, "Stand up and go; your faith has made you well."

We all know the story of the 10 lepers and how there was only 1 grateful leper who came back to Christ to thank Jesus. Added to that was the fact that that 1 grateful leper was a Samaritan - a lesser class race despised by the Jews. The fact that Luke highlighted this is likely to show that the rest were all Jews, the chosen people.

It seems, however, that the ratio of 1 grateful person out of ten helped is often true even when we help out others. Not that we're hard-out for people to sincerely thank us. However, what was interesting about this passage is the fact that the one who came back to thank Jesus actually received something else!

Yes, we know through common courteousy that whenever someone does something good for us, we are to thank the person, but already its not often that we get people coming back to thank us. I'm not sure if it's easy to do it always, but comparatively, I'm sure it's easier to give thanks to a human than a God who we cannot see and results in us not remembering to thank.

When I read the passage, it dawned upon me that the different bible versions stated Jesus telling that 1 samaritan an additional blessing! The KJV reads, "Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole." It seems that that 1 leper was made whole! Young's literal translation states Jesus saying: `Having risen, be going on, thy faith hath saved thee.' The Samaritian man received his salvation that day!

It's not about getting blessings or having your wishes/wants come to pass and then talking to friends and people. Yes, testimonies before man are good, that's why Jesus told the people to show themselves to the priests. But in everything, before we run ahead of ourselves and bask in our new found blessing, we must build into our system a process to first turn back to fall at the feet of God and giving Him the glory for His amazing grace.

So firstly, we must remember to always give God the thanks for all that He has work done for us. Secondly, let's also remember to spend that thanksgiving time at the feet of God and make sure that it comes before we go ahead to testify before man.


That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever. (Psalm 30:12)

23 September 2007

Accepting the Weak in Faith

Romans 15:7
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

There's a difference between being chided for not living the life of an uncompromising Christian and that of accepting the weak faith of a Christian.

For the past years, I'm firmly believed the need for us to live uncompromising lives. Since the time before I entered the military service, I've often heard the many lame excuses for individuals to grow cold spiritually or to compromise their behaviour because of the crude and rough environment which every military male was made to go through. It is really a crappy excuse which we often use in our life for compromising our stand at army, school or work because it is just pushing the blame for sinning like Adam did over the eating of the fruit of knowledge - "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it"

Let's be clear about one thing, at the end of our life on earth, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Today, how you wander off stubbornly or cautiously tread inside the perfect will of God is a decision of your choice and of your own free will, therefore it is something that you have to answer alone before God.

However, this passage in Romans tells us of how Paul instructs the church of Romans to accept the believers whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. The key condition here is disputable matters. When we ask around in church about matters such as worship, as an example, we always end up with so many different perspectives. What's worst is when we do a cross-critial analysis of what is being done in different churches and unnecessary commentary come fast and furious. Paul clearly describes that one man considers one day more sacred than another, thus who is to say that what disputable issue which I'm convinced of is 100% applicable to your conviction?

Over the past week or so, I've been rather disturbed by a couple of people and instead of addressing it directly as I would in my younger days, I found myself being filled with a more moderate and deliberate spirit that I assume comes with a mellowness of age, and I hope, wisdom of age. I'm rationalising more and trying to come to grip with a balance needed to confront the uncompromising attitudes needed with the releasing of my conviction over what may well be a disputable issue which doesn't need my passing judgement.

I don't profess to have come to terms with how I'm going to deal with the situation but I'm really glad that I wasn't given the chance to jump at the situation earlier and be given time and scripture to be reminded of the need to bring praise to God through the act of accepting those who are weak in faith, just as Christ accepted me with all my corruptness and sinful blemishes.

At the end of the day, we work not for the good or extenion of the kingdom of God, but according to the master's instructions. Jesus says "The sheep hear His voice; and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out". May the words of my mouth and the passing judgement be of my master and not of my own conviction, that it would result in God being praised and glorified.


We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. (Romans 15:1)

14 September 2007

To be with Him

Mark 3:14
And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out to preach

Pastor shared about this passge on Sunday and suddenly it dawned upon me that truth that Jesus chose disciples first for the reason of communion and fellowship, not to delegate tasks for them to do.

For a long while, I've been very drawn into the acts of service. Honestly, every Sunday and Saturday, coming to church was really to do work. Even in service and before service, it's all about seeing if any of the Rangers were here, on time or just missing. Excluding the preparations for the Rangers' programme, was the 'need' to either do a little bit of tuition or catching up to see if people were indeed coping well in school and their work. Didn't help that the daily prayers always seemed to be rotating around the tasks and people in the ministry that I am involved in. so as you can see, it was really becoming a situation of me bring entrenched with the entire work-service purpose, rather than communion.

Yes, I know that life consists more than the abundance of work and tasks, and really doing the stuff in the ministry and dealing in lives is also a passion out of doing the heartbeat of God, but somehow, when the communion is absent in the abundance of work, it is time to recount the steps.

When I encountered that passage in Mark and it stirred in me, 2 biblical individuals popped into my mind. The first of which was Adam. The bible says in Genesis 5 that man was created in the likeness of God, and when Adam was created, God made him guardian over the entire Earth. Geneis 2:15 records that "the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it." Even though the task of man was to be the guardian of earth to serve the Lord, from the later accounts in Genesis 3, God walked amongst Adam and talked with him.

I'm almost sure that the conversations which God had with Adam were not that of a master giving his worker more tasks. I.e - "Adam, have you pruned this plant, harvest that fruit tree, found which lost animal..." Rather, it was a close communion which I assumed was centred around how Adam felt, what he learnt and saw....basically casual, never-ending chit-chat talks like that we have with our own close friends.

The second individual is Moses, a man whom spends so much time in the presence of God that God even acknowledges "I have known you by name."

It's time to get myself to refocus back on knowing the God whom I'm created for, rather than to serve the God whom I think I know. May you and I never serve out of a calling and forget to know more about the caller, that God will never say to us on the day of final judgement - "I do not know you"


"Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time; Noah walked with God. "(Genesis 6:9)

06 September 2007

Evil Counsel

2 Samuel 13:3-5
Now Amnon had a friend named Jonadab son of Shimeah, David's brother. Jonadab was a very shrewd man. He asked Amnon, "Why do you, the king's son, look so haggard morning after morning? Won't you tell me?" Amnon said to him, "I'm in love with Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister."
"Go to bed and pretend to be ill," Jonadab said. "When your father comes to see you, say to him, 'I would like my sister Tamar to come and give me something to eat. Let her prepare the food in my sight so I may watch her and then eat it from her hand.' "

I chanced upon this individual, Jonadab, as I was reading the juicy story of King David’s children in 2 Samuel 13. The bible describes him as Jonadab son of Shimeah, a nephew of King David.

As I read the 2 brief accounts of him stated in the bible, I can’t help but to label him as a scoundrel. Why so? Jonadab was the one who developed the evil scheme for Amnon to have incest with his own sister. What’s worst is that despite his disgusting deed, you still see him providing counsel to King David subsequently.

2 Samuel 13:32-33
But Jonadab son of Shimeah, David's brother, said, "My lord should not think that they killed all the princes; only Amnon is dead. This has been Absalom's expressed intention ever since the day Amnon raped his sister Tamar. My lord the king should not be concerned about the report that all the king's sons are dead. Only Amnon is dead."

If you read the earlier verse of 2 Samuel 13:30, it’s indeed surprising that Jonadab was able to inform King David of the fact that Absalom only killed Amnon, even though he wasn’t there or was there a clear report given!

Curious over this evil character, I tried to search for more information in the bible to see if anything happened to him for his evil deed, but I found none apart from the 2 references to him. I then asked myself what was the purpose of having such a devious character named and immortalized in the bible and it dawned upon me that the character of Jonadab was to depict the spirit of evil counsel.

Clearly, when Absalom plotted to kill Amnon and had planned to do it, Jonadab knew that Absalom would eventually do it. However it seemed that for the past 2 years after the rape of Tamar by Amnon, King David never noticed the intention of his son. Perhaps Jonadab even provided an ear to Absalom and counselled him to plot against Amnon?

The spirit of evil counsel is not something which is only found in the most-wicked of all people, which we often feel that we are unlikely to befriend such characters. In Amnon’s and David’s situation, this evil counsel was found in their relative who lived with them!

How does evil counsel destroy us? When we look at the character of Jonadab, we see that the spirit of evil counsel seeks to tap into our existing weakness and fuel our self-gratifying desires by instigating us to do what our flesh yearned for. It provides us with answers which we want to hear and helps us to fulfil our longings.

If Jonadab was a good friend and of the right spirit, he would have sought to correct Amnon of the evil, lustful desire which he had over Tamar. Instead, Jonadab developed the evil plans for Amnon to consider and fueled the feelings of lust into the required action step. Such is the ability of the evil counsel to deceive us and deepen our sin because it seeks out for an opportunity to mislead us and to overcome out faith with our self-gratifying desires.

Today, maybe someone just chided you and you are really irritated because you hate the judgement from that person - even if he/she was correct, or perhaps you’ve been in the wrong frame of mind and you just don’t feel like doing anything relate to God but to self-gratify yourself, or perhaps you felt the need to blast out at someone because of your self-righteous needs. Beware! If you don’t capture that thought or emotion and make it subject to the power of Holy’s Spirit, you open yourself to evil counsel that would cause you to go astray. It often starts from the tiniest of matters which takes over your will and instigates you to commit sin. Often it may also escalate into a full blown act of sinful gratification, similar to that of Amnon.

May you choose your counsel well because not everyone who you call friend is a true friend. Psalm 1:1 says “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers”.

Likewise, may we learn to subject our ideas and thoughts, so that our fleshly desires will not be tempted by any evil thoughts, suggestions or counsel.


Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position. (2 Peter 3:17)

30 August 2007

God Does Work Miracles

Psalm 86:10
You are great and perform great miracles. You alone are God.

Woo Hoo!!!

2 days ago, as I logged into the email system and saw my daily devotion email. What shocked me was when I saw this scary image of a pastor which has always been embedded into it but has been blocked off by my office filter. Then it dawned upon me that the filter was off!

Inside me, I squealed in delight. So what I immediately did was to open the internet and click onto all the previously banned websites. From royal rangers in the usa to daily bread to bible gateway, and I found out that they were all visible. You could imagine the overflow of joy in me when I realised that I now have the freedom to view what I really needed for my reading pleasure and RR preparation. Then, before I could do my song and dance, I told myself that this could well be a bug in the system for one day and perhaps things will go back to norm the next few days. Thankfully, it's not been the case yet.

In fact, I've also typed in Youtube this morning and I realised that I can also access that! Not that I'm a Youtube surfer, but it really just to assure myself that if I can access streaming stuff which was earlier banned, I definitely can access religious stuff.

Oh what joy it is to be able to finally use bible gateway to search for the passages of the bible. What relief it is to be able to now place daily bread as the homepage instead of boring intranet. I also now have access to Christian podcast from Rick Warren and Hillsongs which were banned earlier. To me, it's a miracle that this has happened and I'm ecstatic as can be for this new found christian freedom at work because I've earlier convinced myself that I'm suffering in this company because of all the banned christian websites which I'm not allowed to visit.

To add to this good news, I've just realised that I can now transfer my oh-so-many amazing christian sermons which have been stored up in my computer's podcast and can now transfer it to my latest model of HP and listen to it during my way to work or on the weekend, instead of relying on a free time at work and listen to it via my computer! Such Joy!

Days and times like this, I truly like to say that the Lord is great and perform miracles like this for me! May you also experience such miracles of new found christian freedom in your life.


"For you make me glad by your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands" (Psalm 92:4)

Grace during the Past 2 Weeks

Psalm 40:2
He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.

The past 2 weeks have been filled with heaps and heaps of stuff. I don't call it work because so much of it were not value added and really just a pain in light of the key projects which I needed to do. I liken it to having many pesky houseflies constantly flying around you as you attempt to sit down by a breezy beach to read a book.

But thankfully, despite the long hours spend at office and with constant barrage of people coming by to ask for 1 cent, 2 cent work to be settled by me, somehow the past 2 weeks have gone by swiftly. Again and again, the key verse that I've been chanting to myself as I walked to the bus stop in the morning and in the evening was "do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:34).

I know that by the very grace of God, every moment of the past 9 days have been covered by God's covering as I walked along. Why? Simply because as I entered the office and before I could settle down on my routine to wask my mug, get my water, much on a fruit and read my TODAY newspaper, I'll be asked work-related questions and would have to immediately get engaged in work.

Thus, in the midst of doing this and that, I also had to restart my 'get-a-drink-before-work' routine and part of that routine was to flip this daily 'best loved psalm' calendar. Amidst all the tumultuous work stuff and messed up daily routine of mine, every one of the daily psalm spoke to me in my daily condition. Some days it was of being blessed in the Lord because His lovingkindness is better than life, yet some other days it was about His unfailing love being my comfort and His compassion to come to me that I may live.

Not to sound shallow or hypocritical, but to lift up my hands and to thank God is very easy when you have just received a wonderful blessing. But it's always very difficult to do it during the worst moments. However, during the past 2 extremely messed up weeks, somehow there was a special covering that prevented me from dragging my feet to work, sighing all day long in grief and wondering why I was there at work and not somewhere else.

Looking back at the past situation, I'm grateful for the covering of God and provision of grace when I was in the midst of the mess. I'm not saying that it made me numb and all problems adn issues disappeared, but somehow amidst the chaos and mess, I didn't seem to lose my mind and I could calmly profess that nothing is out of control because God was in it. Only when I look back now do I realise the difference God makes in our lives. Unlike non-Christians, we have a different life because we have the covering of God's glorious grace as we live/work/study on the earth.

If you've been hit by a barrage of stuff that have made your life topsy-turvy, I pray too that you may find the covering of God's grace that would shield your mind from the messed-up conditions around you.


"Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name." (Hebrews 13:15)

17 August 2007

The Everlasting God.

The day which I understood the lyrics of this song (composed by Lincoln Brewster) is forever immortalised in my mind as it was the Saturday which Jael and Audrey had just received their "A" level results. I recall myself witnessing the broken, teary form of the girls trying their best to acknowledge the truth of the lyrics that declared the everlasting nature of God inspite of their disappointment in their results. As so, everytime I hear this song on my podcast, I recall this significant moment because in light of our issues and life's disappointment, the Lord God will always reign forever and He alone is everlasting.

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
Wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
Wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Our God You reign forever
Our Hope our strong Deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint You won't grow weary
You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
The everlasting God
The everlasting

May you too declare the everylasting nature of God in and out of season.


"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable." (Isaiah 40:28)

14 August 2007

If not us, Who?

Romans 10:14
"But how are they to call on Him in Whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of Whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?"

The power of God's Word doesn't come from the ingenuity of the messenger nor the cleverness of the presentation. John 8:32 declares that its the Truth of the Gospal that sets people free, not the wisdom of you or the brilliance of my speech. The power of proclamation is found in speaking God's truth.

Ask yourself: Am I committed to proclaiming God's truth? Do I live it? Trust it? Share it? Do I make it the message of my life? If you're not sure, answer these questions:
1. What priority does the Bible hold in my personal schedule?
2. Am I involved in church where I will learn truth on which to build my life?
3. If I stumble spiritually, are there people in my life who will hold me to what I say I believe?
4. If I'm overwhelmed with sorrow, will the people in my life comfort me with a godly perspective?
5. When I hear a conversation that contradicts the clear teaching of God's Word, how do I respond? Do I withdraw? Do I ignore it? Do I step up?
6. Am I committed to living the truth? If I'm in a situation that evolves in such a way that it is not pleasing to the Lord, am I committed enough to the truth to speak up for what is right?
7. Am I promoting the Book God wrote among the people I love? Do I talk about what I'm learning? Am I passing along the treasure?
8. Do those who know me agree that God's Word is the source of my wisdom for decisions and choices?
9. Do I have an immovable commitment to God's truth as the primary resource for my whole life? Do I evaluate all other sources of knowledge and wisdom through the grid of Scripture?

Specifically, I know that this coming Saturday, I will motivate myself to willingly participate in the evangelism programme rather than groan inwardly of the awkwardness of evangelism. Am I willing for the Spirit of God to show me what I need to change? I can only remind myself that if I don't start today, I'll never start doing it

May the Gospel of Christ advance through you and me today.


It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8)

26 July 2007

Faith without Fire

Galatians 3:5
Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

I'm not sure about you, but somehow the past weeks when I go to church, even with the 40-day fast period and many participating in this season of fast and prayer (I hope!), the atmosphere and spiritual mood seems very mundane and lull. It simply feels like a muggy, non progressive stage likened to that of stagnation - albeit of people's spiritual life or the overall condition of the church.

I'm not saying that I'm not immune to this spiritual muggy feeling now, especially since I'm so bogged down by tedious amounts of work that is resulting in me leaving office only after 8pm. Somehow it is a very irksome feeling to have especially when I'm trying to break out of it and how that the Saturday service would provide the lively break-through. Nothing really happens to the service though and I'm left to wonder where has the fire gone to?

Until I read a sentence made in the prayer of an anglican pastor which prayed for us to show forth Faith with fire. Apart from this nice quotable quote, it actually made a lot of sense of why many are just suffering from stagnation.

Romans 1:17 records that "THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." Are you living by faith today? Importantly, are you placed in a situation where your faith would not rest on the wisdom and strength of yours, but on the power of God? That's when we allow the fire of God to move us to do what we should do, and not continue to live bogged down by our circumstances and emotions. Put simply, spiritually we need to start moving ahead and not staying static where our soul want to be.

You may be participating in the 40-days fast like me, but that doesn't mean that it is to spiritually charge you up. In fact, you may be just partaking in your own religious rituals without a real connection with God because you could be living a double-standard life. On one hand, you are walking through life, on the other you are trying to juggle christian "duties" like prayer and fasting because it's the season to do it. Ultimately, fellowship with God never seems to be the key thing you are doing and we loose track of the reason why the nation is partaking in this 40-Day fast, it's to refocus back our time and energies back to God.

One classic example to quantify what I'm saying: "There's heaps of never ending dreadful studying/work to be done and all I want to do is chill out or go shopping. Meanwhile, life just goes on and I'm moving unmotivatedly. Meanwhile, better read my 40 Day fast booklet to reflect and make my prayer/fasting moment. After reading, I do hope the days would just past quickly and I look forward to the weekend to escape from it all. I do hope this coming week's church service would be wonderful".

In all of these, where is God in our lives? Relegated to a nice encounter on the weekend worship that is to make us feel good again? Isn't God suppose to take centre-stage and consume our thoughts and waking moments for the entire time and more so as we partake of the prayer and fasting. Never mind the fact that you are partaking to a religious ritual, is this not showing a non-progressive life and sullen earthly mindset? How do we go about to break this because we need to see faith arise with fire.

The bible records that those who are called fathers of faith showed themselves as an example to others around in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. By faith, Abraham when he was tested, willingly offered up his only son, Isaac to God. By faith, Noah built the Ark for 120 years when instructed by God, inspite of 120 years of opposition and ridicule.

If today, you are yearing for something more that this state of mediocrity, you need to break off the shackles of current mindset of looking at your life through your own eyes. Instead, you need to cry out "Holy Spirit, I need new vision of how I was made for a greater purpose to advance the gospel of Christ! Break me from the bad habits and sullen world attitudes that have compromised my life that has been redeemed by the blood of Christ."

May we be people of faith, living lives that demonstrate the fire of God's Holiness in the everyday walk of life.


Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you-unless indeed you fail the test? (2 Corinthians 13:5)

19 July 2007

The Lord tarrys

John 11:1, 5-6
"Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. . . Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that Lazarus was ill, He stayed two days longer in the place where He was.

I read this passage today through an email and it brought out the bizarre truth of Jesus' action when he heard that Lazarus was sick. The NASB version records that 'He stayed away two days longer.' Jesus stayed away from Mary and Martha and Lazarus . . . longer?

If you hear that someone you love is in trouble, you get over to them fast. I know I would. Yet, three times in the surrounding verses we read how deeply Jesus loved these three friends. So why did He stay away?

From our perspective, the problems are growing, the prayers are rising, we fast and do whatever it takes and faith is arising, but then provision does not come the way we expected. We draw a dotted line from delay to deception and conclude that God doesn't love us and then spend many dark, we fall into disappointment with God's ways and how He seemed to not affirm our best efforts.

Here's an important truth gleaned from this situation: God doesn't love the way we love. What appears unloving may in fact be the greatest kindness of all. We expect God to work our solution on our timetable. Can you imagine the complexity of the tapestry God is weaving in the universe? We're over here in our limited little corner without a clue about what's going on in the bigger picture. Faith says that what God is doing is right-even when we don't understand.

I truely believe that someday we will understand God's will in our lives- even in the worst situations when He doesn't seem to rush towards our side to help us for the most valid reasons. But for now I have to believe in spite of what I see that He is after my good and His glory in every situation. I must trust that what appears unloving may in fact be His greatest kindness. Even if He decides to take a person home instead of healing the sickness.

In-spite of our reasoning of how God is to bless us for all the situations and circumstances that we are painfully going through we need to take hold of this fact with both hands: God is at work in your times of crisis. Whatever is challenging and stretching you right now in your family, your workplace, or in your personal walk with God-He is at work in that. He is building your faith in every circumstance. He knows all about that thing that is breaking your heart. Will you believe He is at work and admit His soverignity in your life?


O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness. (Isaiah 25:1)

18 July 2007

The Simple Life

Proverbs 30:8-9
Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

It's been a long long while. simply because I've been rather overwhelmed at work doing the nitty gritty works that never seem to end and ending work late and exhausted. But only when I finally decided to drag up whatever reserve energy to make this post that I realised how important it is to set aside some time to dwell into the word of God. (in spite of my current enraged mode because I've just had a major session scolding my agency for being such idiots)

On Sunday, we went out for our Architecture merit site visit and we visited a incomplete bunglow house at Jervois Hill. The scorching sun and dull looks of the slim house frontage made everyone initially very bored and demoralised. However, as we ventured into the house and started taking in the size of the space did everyone suddenly start going goo-goo, gaa-gaa.

As we each made our way around the tour of the entire 2+1 storey house with a swimming pool, our mouths were constantly kept opened, and the part that made everyone stunned was the discovery that it even had a lift and space for the owner's computer servers! Didn't help that it was only built for 2 adults and their daughter and every part of the uncompleted house screamed of 'obscene wealth' and a lifestyle of the rich and famous.

On our way out, we walked pass even larger and more luxurious houses and it was a hilarious moment when some of us kept desiring to be maids and drivers of these rich people because the rooms and lifestyle was likely to be better than our tiny houses and even tinier rooms.

But, when we analyse the folks who are enjoying such extravagent lifestyle, we often realise that these are people who don't have God in their lives and often don't see a need for God. Interestingly, Solomon's wise proverbs that says "feed me with food convenient for me:Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? ". For us who simply love food, the proverbs states a request to be fed with food convenient, or rather simple and uncomplicated. The clear use of convenient food here is to demonstrated that its not about an excessive lifestyle . Incidentally, Solomon himself became so rich that the bible states that he fell away from God and pursued all his other earthly desires.

Placed simply, its not that God doesn't want to prosper us, neither is it his will for us to not live life with the frills. I truely believe that money is never enough and houses can never be luxurious and huge enough for anyone. The grass is always greener somewhere else as long as we choose to compare. There's always something bigger, better, richer and more glamourous to pursue. So, the only way to end this is to be blessed with a simple life of contentment.

Not simple as a kampong house and no frills lifestyle, nor contentment as in static and unmotivated. But one which God would provide us with sufficient frills that the world would see that we are truely blessed and not over-flowing till excess and we find confidence in ourselves rather than God.

May you always be able to answer this litmus question: "Who is the Lord?" and give the answer "He is my Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides me with more than enough."


Better is the poor who walks in his integrity Than he who is crooked though he be rich. (Proverbs 28:6)

09 July 2007

Kept the Faith

2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;
in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.

Yesterday, 8 July 2007, sometime after 12 noon, my friend Jessica Choo Seh Ching passed away. She leaves behind her hubby, Francis and her son (1+) and daughter (4-5). Apparently, she entered into the hospital some 2 days ago as her cancer condition turned worst, but none of the friends were informed until one of us went down on sunday to her empty house and realised she was hospitalised. I do know that her entire family was at the hospital when she passed away.
It's been very sobering and painful to see her battle with the pain and physical agony of cancer, and even more grieving to know of her passing. The last time I communicated with her was Monday 2 July and she had told me that a team of prayer warriors had fasted and prayed with her and the Holy Spirit had touched her and relieved her of the pain, without the need for morphine. It's at times like this that we all wonder why didn't God do the impossible and heal her, especially since she was positively clinging onto victory against her condition.

I've never seen such great faith and positive nature displayed in such a painful and impossible situation and though I really wished I could see her healed and restored because she examplied the verse Paul wrote of fighting a good fight and keeping the Faith. Yet I will choose to confess that the Lord has better plans for her as He took her home.

One things I'm reminded of even as I witness the passing on of a friend, that I need to keep the faith and protect my salvation because I want to reach Heaven and meet her someday. Until, that day I get to see you in Heaven, thanks for showing me how to keep the faith.

with all my love,

09 June 2007


Psalms 101:6
My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me; He who walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister to me.

The one lesson that I've heard over and over again in the past 4 days of church camp is how the Lord is looking for the faithful.

The Mandarin speaker asked this question which some often ask of why does God seem to favour some over others? Why do some people's life seem so blessed and mine so lacking? Is God a God who practices favouritism?

The pastor proceeded to give this illustration of a human father of 4 children with different personalities and attitude:

Child 1 - nice child who would volunteer to do tasks, but somehow was absent minded and won't always complete what he set up to do.
Child 2 - Makes some noise when told to do work, and does it unwillingly.
Child 3 - Protests and makes a lot of noise and never wants to do anything.
Child 4 - Always arises to do whatever the father says and can be trusted to do it well everytime.

Even though each of them had different attitudes and results shown, the father still loves all 4 as they are all his offspring, but which child would the father been keen to ask to do work and can be trusted? Naturally, the fourth child which is always Faithful in his undertaking and would be seen as especially favoured because the father knows how child 4 always delivers.

This illustration also gives us the insights of how God the Father sees each of us. Psalms 101:6 clearly gives us that insight of God the Father's heartbeat - "My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me".

I smiled when the Pastor gave the illustration of the father because I could understand the analogy as I have rangers that I can also categorise. Some whom I would wholeheartedly place my life in and trust, and some which I would only trust them to handle low-valued items, and some of which I won't even trust with 1 cent because I don't see an iota of faithful and responsibility in their lives.

Faithfulness is truely an under-rated virtue in us today, but it holds a heavy expectation on every one of us who are called the servants of God. Jesus teaches in Luke 16:10 that "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much." Should it therefore surprise us that we never seem to gain greater responsibilities or achieve greater destinies?

But yet, faithfulness is not just trustworthy in doing our tasks and projects of school or work. We have to be responsible in school or work because if we don't, we get horrible grades or performance evaluation which results in loss of benefits/monetary rewards. Everyone in the world pursues after that and it is expected in the secular, you need to walk the talk. But if you are living well outside what about in church and at home?

What's important as a child of God is the need to be faithful in things of God! Do you come to church on time and can you be relied on your words at home? There are hundreds of questions we can ask ourselves but can you comfortably say that in everything of God, the church and at home, you are like the illustrated fourth child who always does everything faithfully and even God, church friends and your parents can testify about you?

We all know that someday we have to account to God for the talents given to us and the investments we have obtained for it. But today let's just do a simple test to see if you have been living a faithful life. Proverbs 28:20a says "A faithful man will abound with blessings." Therefore can you examine yourself before God and say, yes, I've been faithful as I could and I see God's abounding blessings in my life. Sadly, some of us seem to always see our results seep away from us as water runs though cupped fingers.

May the Holy Spirit teach you and empower you to live faithfully before God and man.

And the Lord said, "Who then is the faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants, to give them their rations at the proper time? (Luke 12:42)

23 May 2007

While the sun still shines

Psalms 90:12 (KVJ)
So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Psalms 90:12 (NASB)
So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

First thing I read today in the newspaper was the nasty report of how a bright 8 year old boy was killed by a reversing lorry yesterday. This is but one of the many recent reports of people being killed in traffic accidents.

Some 40 minutes later, as I left the house and was about to cross the street, I made a concerted effort to cross at the zebra crossing and only after I saw all the cars come to a standstill. Somehow, I simply became a lot more cautious and didn't cross it on my own confidence and skill.

Call it paranoia or being overly cautious but it was a good reminder of the fraility of life and the fact that we don't know how long we have for our lifespan. Thus, the psalmist asked God to teach him the preciousness of the time given to him for his life, because it would provoke him to use the days to live wisely.

The human body is indeed fragile and while the sun still shines in these last of last days, may you be a good steward of the days given to you. That your heart would choose to be alert with the fear of God in your life that would guide you in pleasing God above self interests.

Jesus declares in Matthew 10:39, " He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it." Therefore, don't grieve the Holy Spirit and allow yourself to drift along with the never ending issues of life and be overcomed with stress, studies, programmes, relationships, money and career. The secular are already embroiled in life's issues, but why are you following likewise?

May you choose wisely and be a good steward of the time given to you in this life.

"As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; For soon it is gone and we fly away." Psalms 90:10

22 May 2007

Add Salt to all your Offerings

Leviticus 2:13
Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings.

As earlier posted, salt is one of the most significant item talked about throughout the bible. In the grain offering which the people of God were instructed to perform, salt was to be used to season the grain. The grain offering was presented after the burnt-offering (done for the pardon of sin). The purpose of the bloodless, grain offering was an offering of tribute to God for His goodness and provisions. While the people were the one who laboured to reap the grains, it was God which blessed and provided them with the final harvest. Thus, the grain offering represents the consecretion to God of the fruit of one's labour.

But why add salt? Salt is used universally to preserve and maintain the purity of food. We see this in the first miracle which Elisha performed after Elijah had been taken up by God is captured in 2 Kings 2:19-22, below:

The men of the city said to Elisha, "Look, our lord, this town is well situated, as you can see, but the water is bad and the land is unproductive." "Bring me a new bowl," he said, "and put salt in it." So they brought it to him. Then he went out to the spring and threw the salt into it, saying, "This is what the LORD says: 'I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive.' " And the water has remained wholesome to this day, according to the word Elisha had spoken.

Salt was used by Elisha to make the water wholesome for farming and it gave the land a new lease of life. Similiarly, as much as the grain offering was given by the people as an offering of God's abundance, God were pointing to the people that their sacrifices, in themselves, were unsavoury. The instructions of adding salt to the grain offering was to remind the people of the benefits of the covenant that God has made with His people - He would be their God and they His people. Likewise, as children of God, we need to know how this affects us. The bible says that by Grace we have been saved, not by works lest anyone of us should boast.

Do not forget that each week as you come into the sanctuary of the Lord, we should come ready to consecrete to God the fruit of our week's labour. Even as we are called to be salt of the world, we often come into the sanctuary defeated and/or exhausted. Why so?

Instead, every week we should come ready to be renewed by God. Don't rob God of the worship which He deserves, neither should you deprive yourself of the glorious destiny which He has promised to us who are children of God.

For by the Grace and through the blood of Christ, we need to understand that we have lived through the week with God's Grace. Thus, we must come with the right attitude and enter the sanctuary with our thanksgiving (grain) offerings of praise, worship and monetary giving that is a grateful tribute to God. Then, before we offer it, we will give thanks for by the work of Christ on the cross, our thanksgiving has been sanctified. We should also be reminded of the covenant of God's faithfulness to our lives and be renewed for the next week ahead. (not just sit in the pews and go through the motion.)

So even as you come into the sanctuary this week and every other week, God is saying, don't forget to offer me consecreted, pure tribute of offering and rememeber that you are more than conquerors because of Christ Jesus in you. Rejoice therefore and may you live victoriously!


"For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." Romans 5:17

04 May 2007

Don't Grumble

Exodus 15:22-26
Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah. ) So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What are we to drink?"
Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the LORD made a decree and a law for them, and there he tested them. He said, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you."

Immediately after the victorious and magnificant Red Sea crossing which the power of God was demonstrated, some 3 days later, the Israelites forget everything and become their good old sinful self .

We get a glimpse of the Israelite's human nature surfacing, something which you and I as Singaporeans are super at - grumbling (aka as complaining). Somehow, we grumble as long as things don't suit us or don't meet our expectations.

Note that the thirsty Israelites grumbled to Moses because after three days of travlling in the desert without water, and having found waters, were unhappy that the waters of Marah were bitter. It wasn't good enough that they found water to drink, the water had to be pleasant enough for them to drink. Somehow, I can imagine many of us, myself included, like that if we were placed in the situation, because like the Israelites we can't see to appreciate the provisions in perspective to our prior needy situation.

Today, I like to just share a simple reminder to you and myself who are going about the past while trying to find water for our lives - Don't grumble. Regardless of whatever the Lord provides. In everything, let's learn to give thanks.


"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Psalm 23:1

P.S - Now the most interesting part of the scripture is found as we read on after God healed the waters. The Lord made a decree and a law for the people to test them. The test was for them to listen carefully to the voice of God, to do what is right in His eyes and keep all His decrees. Weirdly, the results promised for doing all of that was that there would be no diseases that would be levied upon the Israelites.

Disease? Why wasn't the rewards of being God-fearing more of God's blessing and provision? Especially since the people were already walking in the desert and suffering in the uncomfortable conditions.

Simply because the people were already promised that God was bringing them out of captivity into the promise land which would be full of abundance. The provisions were a given blessing that were already bestowed. The freedom from the diseases which God was talking about was the 10 plagues:

1.(Exodus 7:14-25) rivers and other water sources turned to blood ('Dam')
2.(Exodus 7:26-8:11) reptiles (commonly believed to be frogs) ('Tsfardeia')
3.(Exodus 8:12-15) lice ('Kinim')
4.(Exodus 8:16-28) Either flies, wild animals or beetles ('Arov')
5.(Exodus 9:1-7) disease on livestock ('Dever')
6.(Exodus 9:8-12) unhealable boils ('Shkhin')
7.(Exodus 9:13-35) hail mixed with fire ('Barad')
8.(Exodus 10:1-20) locusts ('Arbeh')
9.(Exodus 10:21-29) darkness ('Choshech')
10. (Exodus 11:1-12:36) death of the firstborn ('Makat Bechorot')

In the next few postings, I hope to elaborate more about God's promises to the Israelites of complete protection from any of the 10 plagues curses of God and what each of them could mean for us. Meanwhile, I challenge you to spend some time digesting the latter part of the key verses and allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you to see how/what the 10 plagues link


23 April 2007

Salty Conversations

Colossians 4:5-6
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

The term "Salary" comes from ancient days where salt was so precious that wages were supposedly paid in Salt (from the Latin word salarium, a payment made in salt (sal) or for salt, from salarius meaning pertaining to salt.

It is one of the most significant item talked about throughout the bible and even Jesus points out to his disciples its essential nature. ("Salt is good; but if the salt becomes unsalty, with what will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another." Mark 9:50)

Today, I like to revisit one points which the bible talks about of salt : The need for us to be salty conversationalist.

Indeed we all know that life without salt would result in turmoil and every food we take would either be bland or limited in dimension because all we taste is sweet, sour and bitter. Sadly, many of us fail to be the essential salt of the world and all we are to others around us is sweet, sour and bitter.

What are the expectations required of us by Paul when he said our conversations needed to be full of grace and seasoned with salt? Salt's characteristics as a seasoning to food is to enhance the natural taste and complete the flavour and taste. In meats such as chicken wings or steak, it brings out the savoury,juicy taste of the meat. Salt also tends to enhance our perception of other flavors, particularly that of sweetness. When we add salt into freshly cut pineapples, it adds an additional salty, albeit tasty, dimension to the tart, sourish-sweet taste of the fruit.

Paul was instructing us that similiar to the use of salt to enhance food, we need to enhance our normal speech and bring out the added dimensions of Godly grace. It is a command to live in the world and be set apart. Thus instructions like this from Paul were given to aid us in our own christian walk that we will know how to respond to each person that crosses our path.

Why is it therefore that having been told to us that all we say, talk, and converse should be seasoned with the amazing grace of God, yet we still have so much whining and complaining. Especially in the last 3 years where the proliferation of technologies have resulted in so many taking it upon themselves to freely express themselves online with all their angsts and issues. Do I really care that you are being transparent to people and true to yourself? No! Neither did Paul. Paul advises us to "be wise in the way you act toward outsiders". It's not about you bottling up your emotions, but about you electing to be wise in all that you say, simply because that man may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

It just irks me to see many fail to succeed in their lives and live it fully according to the victorious destiny God has in-stored for us. From lousy results, lukewarm relationships, compromised health and a life full of lack, it is often a result of a life that has been compromised and one that has deviated from a christian's spiritual destiny of success in God.
The word of God proclaims that plans of God are made to prosper His children, and to give us a future, but only if they live righteous lives! For it is written in 1 Peter 3:12 " For the eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayers"!

If today you are one of those who are living a crappy life crippled by you and your never ending issues, I pray you will reflect to see how much of your talk and expressions are about you, your issues and things around you that you simply don't like. The world and every other non-christian is like that also and you are living an undifferentiated life.

I truely believe that however we choose to say in our conversations to those around us, it will eventually also result in us behaving and doing what we say. As we make more conversations
with others, may it literally influence everyone to see the God behind your being.
Be wise today, and be opportunistic in all your conversations, writings and speech with all around you. May you learn to talk about the abundent grace that has been freely given to you through the cross. Just as a cook would always ensure that his dishes are always seasoned with salt before it is cooked, may every word that proceeds from you be thoughtfully processed with a fear of God before it is released.


"Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other." (Mark 9:50)