Romans 10:14
"But how are they to call on Him in Whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of Whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?"
The power of God's Word doesn't come from the ingenuity of the messenger nor the cleverness of the presentation. John 8:32 declares that its the Truth of the Gospal that sets people free, not the wisdom of you or the brilliance of my speech. The power of proclamation is found in speaking God's truth.
Ask yourself: Am I committed to proclaiming God's truth? Do I live it? Trust it? Share it? Do I make it the message of my life? If you're not sure, answer these questions:
1. What priority does the Bible hold in my personal schedule?
2. Am I involved in church where I will learn truth on which to build my life?
3. If I stumble spiritually, are there people in my life who will hold me to what I say I believe?
4. If I'm overwhelmed with sorrow, will the people in my life comfort me with a godly perspective?
5. When I hear a conversation that contradicts the clear teaching of God's Word, how do I respond? Do I withdraw? Do I ignore it? Do I step up?
6. Am I committed to living the truth? If I'm in a situation that evolves in such a way that it is not pleasing to the Lord, am I committed enough to the truth to speak up for what is right?
7. Am I promoting the Book God wrote among the people I love? Do I talk about what I'm learning? Am I passing along the treasure?
8. Do those who know me agree that God's Word is the source of my wisdom for decisions and choices?
9. Do I have an immovable commitment to God's truth as the primary resource for my whole life? Do I evaluate all other sources of knowledge and wisdom through the grid of Scripture?
Specifically, I know that this coming Saturday, I will motivate myself to willingly participate in the evangelism programme rather than groan inwardly of the awkwardness of evangelism. Am I willing for the Spirit of God to show me what I need to change? I can only remind myself that if I don't start today, I'll never start doing it
May the Gospel of Christ advance through you and me today.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. (Psalm 118:8)