16 April 2007

God of the All

Luke 12:6
Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God.

I received a daily devotion which quoted this simple sentence of scripture and suddenly it made a lot of sense to me and I pray it will to you too.

I'm sure we don't really see sparrows everyday. but, if we open our eyes wide enough to observe, I'm sure we'll see a few of them around us. They are really tiny birds which would be lost amidst the other birds such as minahs, pigeons and ugly crows. Being so small and tiny, I've always wondered where to go and come from and I've never seen them roosting on trees, simply because I reckoned they are too tiny to observe.

Yet Jesus chosed to use these small, simple birds as examples of God's amazing attention to details. Insignicant as a sparrow, the bible states that God never forgets a single sparrow which he created.

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves consumed with our own circumstances and that's when we need to remember that God is the God of All. For all the big issues in life that we are desperate for God's answers in our lives, we always remember God. But in our everyday lives, it seems that God doesn't seem to be much in the picture.

As I travelled around japan for the past 10 days, I'm amazed at how easily forgotten God can be. Simply because I'm consumed by laziness on days which I don't click online to read my daily bread or even mutter my prayers. It's only on those certain travel situations (like airplane turbulence) that I make my paltry prayers. I know fully well that the Christian walk has nothing to do with having a powerful evangelistic service to remind me of a God's existence or an emotional worship to awaken my slumbering spirit man. Regardless whether I'm alone in Japan or in Singapore there is never a reasonable excuse for wandering away from God because like the sparrow, I'm responsible for finding my own food and protecting my own life.

Yet by the very essence of God as a God of grace, He declares that we are never forgotten even in times of personal unfaithfulness. May we not abuse the grace of God and walk in our own selfish, wanton ways because our eternal lives are valued richly by our creator - more so than the sparrows that He likewise created.


"Awake, O north wind,
And come, wind of the south;
Make my garden breathe out fragrance,
Let its spices be wafted abroad.
May my beloved come into his garden
And eat its choice fruits!" (Song of Solomon 4:16)