Psalm 18:19b
he rescued me because he delighted in me.
My ears perked up when I heard this verse.
I was humbled when I heard the verse that "the Lord delights in me" and I pray you will too. It suddenly elevated the truth of God's great love for such a incomplete, imperfect person in me. Don't get me wrong, it's not a self pitying party or a self condemnation whipping session but I pray that you see the depth and breadth of the love of an incorruptable God who chose to look at us whom are of sin, flaws and poor nature, and still chose to delight in us.
I'm humbled that He even stopped to look and yearingly care about us who are insignificant, blemished and yet full of arrogance because we feel that we matter because we have breathe and the energy to live the life we choose. When faced with the revelation of His character, I'm reminded of how self absorbed many of us are in our lives and how we forget the amazing grace of our saviour who awaits for us to come back to Him to spend communion time with Him.
The cross is the very demonstration of His great love for you and I. Because He loved us too much to see us live aimless, broken, self-indulgent lives for the 70 years that we have on this earth.
I cannot tell you how deeply I feel for the many lives today that I see in church who come and are emotionally torn, physically worn, mentally warped, and socially wounded but choose to come religiously in their protective shells. You must see what I see today; the sheer simplicity and purity of God's amazing grace for us that speaks to the inner man!
If I only had one message to share at the end of my life, I'll share about the amazing grace of God who is always there, caring for me even though I often chose to live my own life without Him. Today, I pray you see the revelation of God's immense love for you.
"What is man that You magnify him, and that You are concerned about him, That You examine him every morning and try him every moment?" (Job 7:17-18)