15 December 2010

Different perspectives, same direction

Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

How interesting that I was introduced to this verse by the same person whom I have a history of email correspondences with and we often end up with multiple email of different perspectives. The last 20 hours involved an exchange of few emails with my youth pastor that really revealed the difference in perspectives and style that we have.

Since young, when we were playmates as our parents served in church, I've always recognised how different we each view things and the style we do things differently. As we grew up, if we were to just spend a moment discussing any point, there's often a difference in the way either of us would consider and react to the matter. She puts her heart into doing things rather than not doing anything, I choose to never do anything unless its clear what and why things must be done. It's really a case of iron sharpening iron and often there would be no conclusion of how each views the matter and the style we do it.

Just as today's long emails went to and fro, what started as my opinion on one matter went into a clumsy comment of my observation and concerns and then seemed to go into an overdrive with me having decreasing interest on subsequent comments. It's quite amazing how the conversation went from dust to storm. I won't agree with every point discussed and necessarily accept how she discusses the matters. What she calls irresponsible talk, I simply label it as a honest opinion that should be critically evaluated because there are the observers and dysfunctional people on the ground have been talking and should never be disregarded. How she states an example of individual, I regard it as a labeling attack that borders as a low blow that I won't ever do. However, likewise, I never expect her to accept what I share and how I raise my considerations based on my perspectives of matters because what she expresses is also correct from her own angles and position. Afterall, in her position whatever I've stated can truly be viewed as extremely errornous and unfair statements without me seeing more than what I presume I know. But it's really not about who is right and who is wrong, but getting thoughts and points across in an exchange without going all personal.

Over time, I've come to realised that in every matter, there are 360' of angles to view it and often there's no one correct statement, style or perspective that can solve a situation. Especially church where every matter involving people can always be drilled down further with many considerations and that would result in never ending discussions or escalated squabbles.  But this is where wisdom kicks in and we need to consider the key fact; that if we are taking a similar direction, then we should never lock horns to make things divisive or destructive. Afterall, it's really not about who is right or wrong, but what we are doing as a body of Christ to move in the same direction for God's glory.

That is the real beauty of church. It comprises humans with different personalities, passions, talents and importantly, are all flawed because we are sinners saved by grace. The church is often fraught with so many issues, no thanks to us humans. So even if we have others of difference in style and opinions, we must eventually arise to a higher level, united in our faith, with a similar direction to recognise the truth of how the Church has a mission to meet human need with ministries of love and compassion.

I do not care about winning arguments and have always believed that I don't serve to please anyone in what I do and will stubbornly hold fast to my convictions and character. Yet, it is exactly at such times where I get moments that sharpen my thought and character. Importantly, I'm reminded that growth comes when we move on back to our service for God after individuals elect to agree to disagree or even pass on in matters that aren't of life and death consequences. After all, who has time to brood or continue endless communications. Talk is cheap and we really have more important things to do.

In church, we may never be aligned or want to work together in close proximity with some people who rub us differently, but does that stop you from going in the same direction?  Hey, even Paul and Barnabas had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company, but continued on their mission. So what will you choose to do?
