12 June 2014

Still need to do our part

Genesis 17:1-2
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.”

Started the morning with a bad news sms from my disciple who failed his driving test for the third time. Apparently, he was told that he wasn't checking the blind spots before he moved, and the former tester had also penalised him on the same point. The issue, however, is the testee was doing what was required, but was not seen by the testor.

So, since it was the 3rd failure, it's a rather angsty feeling. I can fully understand, having failed my driving test before and well knowing that it's really stupid to be penalised for something that was not seen or captured by the testor. Afterall, we can't be possibly shouting out what we're doing in order to inform the testor, especially when the testor is not always paying attention and penalises based on what he perceieves is done/not done.
 In the sms correspondence, I was trying to provide a reasonable explanation for the driving test failure, and I typed; we sometimes need to be seen doing what is required because we cannot just not do and expect God's favour to be on us.

I don't really think it's a biblical fact that I stated, but I do feel that sometimes as we deal with people, we must undertake some deliberate actions that would allow others see that we are doing what they want. In the working world, it's what perceived that is done that is above what is done but not seen.

Fortunately, God isn't like a driving testor. He'll never mark us down for something we did, but was not seen by Him. He's always in the know of what we do. However, when I look at His instructions of blessings to Abram, I realise that for God's covenant to be fulfilled, we have to first undertake what He expects. Not on our terms and expect God's favour to fall like free rain.
